Original Title: Eat Pray Love
Director: Ryan Murphy Writer
. Ryan Murphy and Jennifer Salt, based on the book by Elizabeth Gilbert
Cast: Julia Roberts, Billy Crudup, Viola Davis, James Franco, Richard Jenkins and Javier Bardem
USA, 2010
enough time was spent in this movie billboard directed by Ryan Murphy, the director has been responsible for creating shows like "Nip / Tuck" and the acclaimed "Glee" and is peculiarly unusual stay in theaters as the plot does not deliver what is expected. Perhaps motivated by the excitement generated by a film already seen in several countries and has raised until mid-October, nearly triple the cost (60 U.S. $ million), is that the belt scale positions before being seen and a dropped abruptly without reaching the top.
With an absurd length exacerbates the boredom in the opening minutes - not to say - hours, the film leaves its Achilles heel exposed managing to be demolished despite having a best seller base. The adapted screenplay is what makes "Eat, Pray, Love" succumb within a trench that even the dynamics given by Javier Bardem's character - the last minutes of film - manage to save. While the film has some characteristics that are well worth rescuing as rhythmic and rapid cuts in various passages, photography in the outdoors, or the performance of Richard Jenkins as a man who will find spiritual peace to India, the ill-balanced treatment plot upsets the work leads to the basket of bad movies made.
Let me emphasize the plot development of an audiovisual work. This moment can not have too long to fall into monotony. This is all it does affect the public in a negative sense, making him lose concentration and interest, taking it to an unresponsive state. There are movies that, while abuse of some passages, they are absolutely necessary to understand the end of the plot, however this is not the case of the film in question, where Murphy is guilty of his meandering experience Salt in feature films and does not help at all to frame the work within an appropriate length.
Maybe in a couple of years, doing a remake of this film - as is the fashion today in Hollywood - and the new director fully understand the concept and brings out the best in history and this is not bad but the big screen adaptation. Issues such as the exhibits are interesting to observe and analyze, and it is a sin that is wasted instances how are you, where everything comes to cinema audiences looking for something that leaves us happy and thoughtful, reasoning, for example, have such advantages other cultures far from the West.
Rating: 4 / 7