Director: Sebastián Silva
Writer: Sebastian Silva and Pedro Peirano
Cast: Catalina Saavedra, Claudia Celedon, Alejandro Goic, Andrea García-Huidobro, Chile
Mariana Loyola , 2009
Two years ago I refused to perform critical Sebastian Silva's first feature entitled "Life Kills Me" (2007), because my sister was on a small role in that film that could lead to a some objective commentary. But now I can not abolish this critical second feature where Catalina Saavedra Silva stars in one of the best roles played in a Chilean band. A little over a month, I saw the tape in its avant premiere, and since then I have been overwhelmed by the representation of the female lead. That's why I have time to write this review, since the settling time is the best of ideas that might exist. And, of course! Catherine is my sister.
There have always been films that bear the seal of quality almost exclusively by the work of its leading actor. This is the case of "Awakenings" (1990) Robert De Niro without not be what it is, or "Perfume de Mujer" (1992) that no one would remember Al Pacino. Many other works are saved by the actor or actress protagonist due to a notable role has been recorded in the history of cinema, let alone the rest of the edges that make up an important film as it is the argument itself.
"The Maid" is one of those movies, where Catalina Saavedra attacks with all his talent to impress the audience with a paper loaded with drama and intrigue, hinting at the harsh reality that thousands of live housekeeper the planet. While the film takes place in a wealthy Chilean house, this does not stop showing beyond the borders of your plot will not be pigeonholed in a home-court advantage, but very on the contrary it is possible to extrapolate to different geographies of the globe.
The film tells a story written by Sebastián Silva and Pedro Peirano, creators of "Life Kills Me," which contains a touch of drama and comedy just for the balance of a specific argument and without unnecessary wandering, supporting the praise he has received in areas as diverse as USA, Switzerland, Australia, Mexico and Colombia. While this could become monotonous at times, the same monotony is what Rachel's character feels about their daily lives which allows viewers to live the same feeling. The story is accurate, very well run along the line argument, on all sides than the first work of Silva in the air that you could see the operator innovatory, but even then was not well polished.
International critics have praised "The Nana" . has been one of the most honored films in cinema history Chile. For the first time, Chile has been recognized by one of the world's major festivals such as Sundance . Catalina Saavedra has been honored as the festival has presented and recently The NY Times has devoted a special note . However, this has not been enough for Chile's proposed as a letter to represent it in the next edition of the Oscars. What went wrong? I think it would be nice if someone could clarify this muddle of proportion as this country is losing the opportunity of its bicentennial.
Rating: 7 / 7
Trailer de "La Nana"
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