Since stopping Japan twenty years ago, I lost the ambition to become an actor. The reason why I continued to work as an actor in the company of Brook's see how he leads. Therefore had to continue acting. When I was in Bungaku-za, I tried with all my effort to be a good actor. But everyone around me advised me not to continue, telling me: ¨ You do not have the talent. ¨ But I continued, stubbornly thinking that once he had begun would not relinquish. Even then, people kept saying it was not for this. Finally came the moment I said: ¨ What the hell! If I have the talent, since it is already. ¨ And I accepted the fact that he had no talent. Then, strangely enough, people began to say: ¨ Not too bad. Should follow actuendo. ¨
When you're anxious to get great applause, do not get. But when you reach the state where you no longer matter, you've accepted yourself and your own position, then people start to praise. Perhaps this is the secret interpretation.
Yoshi Oida, An Actor Adrift.
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