warts or papillomas are small horny growths on the skin caused by a virus and are usually harmless. However, warts can cause embarrassment and occasionally they itch or hurt (especially if you are on the bottom of the feet ). Then I leave a few natural remedies that may be useful to anyone who suffers from this problem. But beware, if the warts on the genitals seek medical care immediately.
magnesium chloride. Take a teaspoon dissolved in water every day until the warts disappear
. Not likely to fail, as many of the warts are caused by lack of magnesium in our body. Zinc
. 50 mg daily. Do not exceed 100 mg of zinc daily. Increases immune function to fight viruses.
The garlic is indicated for the treatment of warts for its antiviral properties. Mash a clove of fresh garlic (Allium sativum L .) And apply directly to the wart. Cover with gauze and tape and leave it there for 24 hours.
Put 2 drops of essential oil Tea Tree in gauze and apply directly on the warts.
Recommended Foods: Asparagus
Citrus Garlic Onion
Food Prohibited
Alcoholic Beverages
refined flour processed food Fried
can see the treatment of Veruca in the soles of the feet in:
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