Monday, August 23, 2010

Melina Velba New Vedios


the bed and imagine the hours remaining to finish the job when you have not even begun. You get home at night with a thousand and one thoughts rondándote head, anticipating the "problems" in the next day ...

The Dr. Mario Alonso Puig is Specialist in General Surgery and Gastroenterology, Fellow of Harvard University Medical School and member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the Association American for the Advancement of Science , he said:

"The thoughts and words are a form vital energy that has the ability (and has been shown in a sustainable manner) to interact with the body and produce physical changes very deep. It has been shown in several studies that one minute entertaining "negative thinking makes the immune system in a delicate situation for six hours" . Imagine when you spend hours and hours "spinning the head"!


there are solutions to this. We can change the way you feel and perceive ourselves. And it all begins with a valuable resource to the concerns and drawing attention to abdominal breathing alone has the ability to produce changes in the brain. It promotes the secretion of hormones such as serotonin and endorphins and improves tuning of brain rhythms between the two hemispheres.

Dr. Alonso Puig states categorically that "what elcorazón want to feel, the mind will just show."
The word is a form of vital energy. It has been photographed with positron emission tomography decided how people talk to themselves in a more positive, specifically people with psychiatric disorders, they got physically remodel their brain structure, specifically the circuits that generate these diseases. We talked about science confirming what mystics and meditation practitioners have been saying for a long time: You can achieve inner peace. You can live in harmony with yourself and with others .

What do you need? Well return again and again to practice abdominal breathing and half hour morning and evening daily meditation. And say if you want, for silent prayer, alone with yourself in a quiet and peaceful corner of your home can be a "mental oasis" that will comfort them and help change negative patterns of your thoughts.


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