died in 1990 25.76 per thousand live births in 2008, this proportion dropped to 13.98 deaths per thousand children under five years born alive, thanks to policies of antenatal and postnatal such as the Barrio Adentro Mission Child Jesus and the Mother Project. This protection extends to all ages. Life expectancy stood at 72.2 years for 1998, comes to 73.9 in 2009, have won almost two years in a decade.
5.Improve MATERNAL
By 2002, the mortality rate rose to 68 maternal deaths per 100,000 births in 2007 dropped to 56.6 per 100,000, fatalities usually associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, childbirth complications and abortions problematic. This ratio is unacceptable, so the government has launched, in addition to the Mission Barrio Adentro and the Child Jesus and Mother Project, collaboration in the care of prenatal and postnatal health of Community Councils and the Maternal Shelter Home .
Between 1990 and 2008 increased from 68% to 94% the proportion of people with sustainable access to safe drinking water which implies that more than 24 million Venezuelans receive service, thereby advance beyond the millennium development goal, set at 84% for 2015. 84% of the population has access to sewage drains. The number of HIV-AIDS patients cared for free with antiretroviral therapy rose from 1,059 in 1999 to 25,657 in 2008. Since 2007, it has been spent on these patients more than $ 230 million. At the same time, a persistent media campaign disclose the ways to prevent the scourge. Since 2000 seven new vaccines are added to the strategies of mass immunization, the 2008 is applied more than 32 million doses, using domestic production of vaccines which rose to 8,656,988 doses.
Venezuela overfulfilled the millennium goal for 2010 by placing 73% of Venezuelan territory as protected natural areas. 66.2% of the surface corresponds to 400 Areas Under Special Management Regime, the rest are 43 national parks, 36 natural monuments, 15 forest reserves, 64 protected zones, 7 Wildlife Refuges and Wildlife Reserves 7.
The words "global" and "development" should be taken with caution. Venezuela gives its own meaning, to promote universal enjoyment of the benefits of progress. Investment in science and technology in 1998 was of 0.39 of GDP: in 2009 reaches 2.69. In 1998 the mobile phone was used by 8.62% of the population in 2008 has access to the 95.99%.
In Internet subscribers increased from 273,537 in the year 2000 to 2,033,858 in 2009. In the same period 1,134 were installed and 1,957 infocentres Bolivarian Centers of Informatics and Telematics, that offer free access to networks. It also ensures access to essential drugs, generic preferably by appropriate regulation and the creation of an autonomous service Elaborations of Pharmacy to supplement the weak capacity of national drug industry and take the production of the remedies that it is not caused by lack of economic interest.
National Institute of Statistics, Comprehensive Statistical Yearbook Venezuela 2009; Ministry of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information, Caracas, 2009.
National Institute of Statistics: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals; INE, Caracas 2010.
Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information: The strength of the Venezuelan economy . Caracas, 2010
(Image / Text: LBG)
Tour before me a zero-time vortex: it appears the first emenarosta: to be traveling in time becoming a Tachyon beam, I flee to the future, he says, to escape the Arts. Following the outbreak
emenarosta second, which is the first millennia after millennia before and I flee back, I shout, running from a referential world of facts and figures only where there is no art.
behind him strikes with the third emenarosta, I flee to the parallel universe whispers to me as long as the mental capacity past or future beyond the merely essential for the survival, start artificial production incentives and perverse need to consume themselves.
After he flashes the fourth emenarosta: As technological omnipotence inevitably end up automatically execute all acts necessary for survival, this is only for men meet free events, so that in future there will only Art.
behind him flashing accelerates succession emenarostas announcing: worlds where everything is reduced to the extreme amounts of information that ends up not being more art than computerized.
Worlds where every form of art used in a sense it is translatable into another work of art that excites another sense as the Fifth Symphony gratin or solid form of the aroma.
Worlds where the senses are multiplied infinitely, infinitely varieties of art that express them.
world where art is of a look so real that people take it for reality and for Art.
world where art goes out the level of consciousness.
Worlds where torture and murder are Arts.
world where art is the only form of knowledge.
Arts Worlds where you create no perceptible to the senses or understood by the mind.
Worlds where the death of the History and everything else imposes a dead art intervals of quantities of anything.
create worlds where biological works, aesthetic mutations, each being so unique that it removes the concept of species.
world where art allows the simultaneous perception of all events in the universe.
worlds that consist only of endless reproduction of the prototype of the unique work of art.
worlds where beings are just signs of the inexpressible.
world where all the pieces come from different universes and the only principle of combination is the inconsistency.
dialectical world where everything necessarily engenders its opposite.
Worlds held in the fleeting moment perfect.
Worlds where everything imagined or dreamed inevitably becomes work of art.
worlds where there is only self-absorbed than ever contemplate creative works that others constantly created.
world where the only work of art is plagiarism.
world where the ultimate has been reached in all forms of art, leaving only decay.
Worlds where the orgasm is the only form of art.
create worlds where the works to their creators.
worlds where there is only refrain Art and Art. Worlds
indeterminable where the movement of particles fits the work of art total uncertainty.
Worlds where the artist is the work of art. Worlds
born only compounds gradations of death. Don 't Speak
worlds that should not be created except by contradiction of hope.
world where technological omnipotence is applied to the creation of the cosmos that are works of art. Worlds
are works of art that failed, this one of the first.
Something has gone wrong from the beginning. Some of the cosmos or all can be conjured up or at least ignored by the annihilation of his heralds.
Becoming a Tachyon beam, jump in time to prevent the existence of the other emenarostas. Although all are conflicting versions of myself, and I do not know what I'm among all.