is best to check the welfare of the people targeted with adjectives.
At the Millennium Summit of 2000, established the UN's Millennium Development Goals, specific and measurable goals to be met by governments before 2015. Venezuela in 2008 and had exceeded six of them. Worth checking.
The GDP of our country (GDP) for 1998 was the equivalent of 42,066,487,000 Current VEB, in 2009 nearly doubled 56,022,729,000. This does not happen by chance: they help the campaign against the privatization of Petroleos de Venezuela SA and a strong defense policy in OPEC prices. But more important than the amount is how it is applied. For 1988 was only for 8.4% of GDP to social expenditure in 2008 is dedicated for 18.8%. Between 2004 and 2010, PDVSA directly provides the equivalent of U.S. $ 61.369 million for social development. Thanks partly to this low extreme poverty from 42.5% in 1995 to 9.4% in 2007, and the relative of 50.4% to 33.7%. Gini Index of inequality in household income falls from 0.4865 in 1998 to 0.3928, which makes us the country with the lowest inequality in capitalist Latin America and the Human Development Index, United Nations, in 1998 we stood at 0.691, for 2007 we raised the High Range of Human Development with 0.878.
1998, every Venezuelan 400.56 kilos of food consumed per year, for 2009, 499.76 consumes one-fifth more. For 1998, provided an average of 2,202 calories a day, for 2009, of 2,790, well above the average of 2,200 calories consumed in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The unemployment rate stood at 11% in 1998 and down 7.5% in 2009. The minimum wage from 100 in 1998 almost tenfold in 1224 to 2010, and with the addition of ticket basket reaches 2,199, and twenty times larger magnitude that exceeds the value of the standard food basket, which stands at 1270. Despite persistent inflation, these increases are resounding victories against poverty.
late twentieth century, was planned privatization of the educational system that had become inaccessible to most Venezuelans. But education spending rose from less than 3% of GDP at the time, to 5.4% in 2000 and 6.3% in 2008. Thanks to the Mission Robinson, Venezuela literacy 1,678,671 people by 2009 and eradicate illiteracy. In 1990, only 39.96% of children attending preschool and in 2008 attended by more than double the 84.8%. For 1998-1999, only 53.41% of school-age children attending public preschool education, for 2008, 84.8% do. They are not only guarantees free education: by 2008, some 4,055,135 pupils in basic education are served by the School Feeding Program, an increase of almost double since 1999. In 1988 only 18% of children were enrolled in the educational system for 2008 is 42.37%. In the last decade the government has created 15 new universities, college enrollment doubled from 894,418 students in 2000 to 2,109,331 in 2009. 9,329,703 people studying in Venezuela: one in three Venezuelans, the vast majority of establishments at all levels are public and therefore free, access to education is universally guaranteed.
Between 1990 and 1998 the average number of students in the educational system came to 31.25% for 1996-1998 jumped to 47.56%. Enrolled in higher education, more women than men. Of the five branches of government, four have been led by women in the National Assembly, women's representation increased from 10% to 16.5%. Approximately 60% of participation in communal councils and missions are women, a trend that is progressive and unstoppable.
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallee: Books
http://luisbrittogarcia-fr.blogspot.com Luis Britto Internet :
Rajatabla: www.monteavila.gob.ve
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela: www.minci.gob.ve
peace with Colombia: www.minci.gob.ve
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