I've been away from my blog for heavy load work. Now return regularly to go answering your old comments from other entries, one by one, as I always do, and to visit your blogs. But I think there is a priority issue that affects us all: The earthquake in Japan. Pray for our Japanese brethren. Many times we look for explanations to these disasters, we investigate and speculations about the "whys." But in this tragic time only pray, we are united clamoring for Japanese families. We pray for all those affected by the survivors who suffer the tragedy of this magnitude. A common prayer, whether you're Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, agnostic or atheist. It is not have to "believe in prayer" is "pray to feel compassion in our being" . From the heart to ask them all comfort and peace. And also help, since we can, with any contribution. It is a moral duty as human beings united in grief of a people. Meditate on this tragedy, to make us more humble, more caring and better people: Japan are all! The following organization has begun accepting donations earmarked for aid to areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami in the Tohoku region and the Pacific Coast occurred last March 11.
English Red Cross: http://www.cruzroja.es/pls/portal30/portal . Donante.donativo
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