Sunday, November 28, 2010
Loggy Bayou Treestands Ebay
Heritage Cookware Infusio 11 Pc

PS I gave Alba Cultural Prize 2010. What pleases me most is the company: Mario Benedetti, Frei Betto, Oscar Niemeyer, Jorge Sanjines, Silvio Rodríguez ... against judges without conscience, consciences are judges. French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée:
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Free Instructions For A Toy Box
THE MAN WITHOUT A FACE: THE IDENTITY OF VENEZUELAN . Bracho Lionel offers a comprehensive outreach work, based on methodologically rigorous research on the mystery of how to be the Venezuelan people. Bracho disputes and overcome the vagaries Impressionist and anthologies of the Black Legend and positivist colonialist hitherto sullied our image, with surprising revelations and documented on the beliefs, values, attitudes, motivations and behavior of our countrymen.
THE FIFTH COLUMN: NGOs AND INTERVENTION IN VENEZUELA IMPERIAL: The inquisitive Sherlock Pérez, through analysis of declassified U.S. documents, articles of incorporation of Foundations in Venezuela intelligence analysis of media material and records of financial institutions and brokerage houses taken over, reveals the links and the movement of funds from USAID, the NED and Nonprofit Organizations operating in the country. Diligent reporting of their nefarious influence on politics, media and culture in our country, and their plans for secession and disintegration through confrontation of sectors of the Venezuelan population.
INTEGRATION AND INTEGRITY OF THE ARTS IN VENEZUELA : Leonardo Bravo offers a sharp and suggestive study of four volumes about the close relationship throughout our history are evident between modes of production, authorities, cultural apparatus, ideological paradigms and strategies in substance and form letters, scene, arts, music, architecture and social ceremonies. Provocative meditation on the experiences of integrating the arts in each period express the links between the branches of this culture and the Historic Block, and the duality between reactionary and revolutionary aesthetic.
disguise the BODY OF THE FOURTH REPUBLIC: CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS AND INTELLECTUAL PEACE. Absorbent manuscript rescued from the posthumous papers of Carlos Moro insightful communicator. Since its first report on intellectuals and journalists who received salaries of the cultural agencies without having to pay compensation, Moro documented the accumulation of donations, bribes, perks, sinecures and fictitious payments by which it was possible that some of the more militant intellectuals in Venezuela were reduced to the downtime, the complicity and silence. His relentless analysis highlights the role of image consulting agency in the formation of cultural prestige. Provocative appendix with comparative anthology of converts, before and after.
MORAL AND LIGHTS: Casino, Bingo, Gate, traganíqueles AND LUXURY Pandering in the Bolivarian Revolution . Revealing investigative reporting Lucio Bolaños on the legalization of funds organized crime and corruption networks administrative, political and social philosophy behind the proliferation of gambling and slot machines and human trafficking. Appendix to research the fortunes of the officials who make decisions on the matter, and counting of the unsuccessful attempts to neighborhood associations, community councils and governors to eradicate these evils.
LIGHT AND TRANSPARENCY: MIXED IN PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTS The Venezuelan oil industry. To dispel doubts and misunderstandings in the public and in compliance with the principle of transparency of Articles 141 to 143 of the Constitution Petróleos de Venezuela Sociedad Anónima distribution to the public full and detailed version of the hitherto secret agreements on oil joint ventures, with all attachments, but a rigorous analysis of the losses of the Venezuelan nation with its investments in Citgo.
LEGAL CHAINS OF GLOBALIZATION : New edition of the book fighting Fermín Toro Jiménez and Luis Britto García on the infamy of the treaties against double taxation, under which foreign corporations and not pay taxes in Venezuela. Appendix poignant demonstration that allow multinationals to cancel 17,850 million dollars annually, that Venezuelans should replace paying VAT, taxes and interest exaggerated Debt.
These victims will be avenged MAS. Volume I: Betancourt's government. exhaustive documentary anthology edited by the Ombudsman on Human Rights violations during the Fourth Republic. The secret files for decades protected the impunity and complicity of executioners and informers, with all the evidence of crimes available to historians, scholars, courts and victims.
These books should be in all bookstores and libraries, but those whom the recommend say they still do not find them. Or are forthcoming, or I dreamed. All reality began with a dream.
PD: Another book that is not the first volume of the Library Nazoa Hannibal, who was sold the same day it was presented at the Book Fair . Reissue all of his work is not only a duty to rescue our most valuable assets, but the best deal you can imagine a decent editorial.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Best Prosumer Camcorders 2010
Do you think that intellectuals are fulfilling their role in Venezuela today? Why?
"I first distinguish between knowledge workers, those dealing with the manipulation of symbols and are the operators of the ideological superstructure, and simply called intellectuals, those who used the prominence in their field to be active in the social debate , political and cultural. An accountant is an intellectual worker, Jean Paul Sartre is an intellectual. Each category has a role. A large number of knowledge workers manage educational institutions, business management, agencies advertising, trying to maintain an order that requires changes. And a large group of scholars actively engaged in group discussion, analysis, reporting, proposing changes.
Elías Pino says there are two types of intellectuals, both necessary for a society, which becomes "a metamorphosis promoter and spokesman for essential reforms" and that "strives to maintain and legitimize certain type of situation, even one that does not have good press, "Do you agree with this rating? "If not, what would you suggest?
"I agree that there are these two guys, but he speaks of formal categories or adjective, not substance or substance. Lenin and Goebbels promoted metamorphosis and were spokesmen for reform, but among the goals of either half the abyss. Nor is it like to maintain and legitimize the neoliberal populism to do with socialism. Judging intellectual judge defends project.
you are openly fond of President Hugo Chávez and his policies "Chavez is considered an intellectual? What do you feel gives you an intellectual like the Bolivarian Revolution?
"I would be a Marxist intellectual. To the extent that the Bolivarian process move towards public ownership, free education, social security, reducing inequality, political participation and social majorities and Latin American integration and global, I'm with him. I think I contribute to the Bolivarian Revolution a disinterested assessment of their successes, not mediated by patronage, appointments and privileges, and a fair criticism and constructive as possible what I call its goals to accomplish.
What is your definition of socialism of the XXI century?
"The Socialism of the Third Millennium, as I prefer to call it, is fundamental premises of social control of the main means of production and democratic control over the use and disposal of them. It will bring everyone according to his ability and receives according to his work. The historical development requires some updating. You can not expect a full development of the industrial productive forces in all countries, because the planet does not have the resources or energy for it. Consumerism has to be replaced by an economy of savings, recycling and regeneration. To the extent that the most valuable asset is information, and it can be disseminated and multiplied at no cost, will be indispensable social appropriation for free. The more fluid to the unimaginable computing processes of production, distribution and democratic consultation, leaving free time for the true purpose of life, love, research truth and the creation of beauty.
For many thinkers have taken two approaches to the polarization, or silent, in complicity with political power or become reactive. Do you think that is? Why?
"First, we clarify what the polarization there no bias when leftists threw us into the forest from helicopters? When Cordero Labana buried alive and they cut the hands of the painter Peter Rojas? "There was no bias when a party of intellectuals silenced or justified these facts? How soon after winning the most important American literary could not publish on a regular basis in a journal for thirteen years? Today anyone imprisoned or exiled for his views, as happened before with Pedro Duno and Richard Izarra. I do not think there is silence about power: Aporrea simply verify the amount of criticism that made the process even his supporters. For my part, critical praise their successes and their failures promptly. He appealed to the Supreme Court along with my friend Fermín Toro Jiménez to request annulment of treaties against double taxation and the submission of our contracts in the public interest to foreign arbitrators. And I managed to veto a law allowing privatization of rivers, lakes and lagoons.
Do you feel that no analysis the country beyond the short term, beyond political parties yesterday, today and tomorrow?
-The left looks at the long term because it is future-oriented. The right does not pass the past.
Where are the new Rufino Blanco Fombona Vallenilla Laureano Lanz, José Ignacio Cabrujas, Juan Liscano?
-Jorge Luis Borges said "do not know our contemporaries." Just blindness prevents identify and honor those who give us light. Nazoa Hannibal died recently, a sun of lucidity and intelligence, keeping up to their positions and grace. There is Vladimir Acosta, who attended with brilliance analysis social and historical study of the collective imagination. Iraida Vargas and Mario Sanoja monumental works have been developed without which we can not understand the Venezuelan. Roberto Hernández Montoya has a penetrating critique, irony, Voltaire. Recall the incomparable works in their respective fields Ramón Palomares, Nicolas Curiel, Roman Chalbaud, Ángel Palacios, Regulus Perez, Fruto Vivas, Laura Antillano, Stefania Mosca, Eva Golinger, Soleydis Linares, and left to enumerate because it would be days. Let's open our eyes that light on.
Do you think there are proposals for country by Venezuelan intellectuals? What is yours?
"The proposal does not pass the conservative intelligentsia kick adecopeyana a Utopia that never existed, or return to a neoliberal Jauja plummeted worldwide. I propose that we accelerate the transition to socialism, to defend against threats of looting of our wealth, the oil revenues to build infrastructure for a sustainable economy not dependent on oil and move towards an economy of knowledge production. We have to do it, and we will.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Broken Blood Vesseld In Breasts
The Big Pharma has almost achieved eliminate all its competitors. From April 1, 2011 all the medicinal herbs become illegal in the European Union . The U.S. approach is different but has the same devastating effect. People can only medicate with products generated by this industry, with no other option, and paying the prices they want. The Pharmaceutical Industry and Agribusiness will have completed the process in March to take each of the aspects related to health, we need to consume food. This promises to end the poor health that we have.
begin in April Innocents
joke is the most ruthless of all time, the European Directive on Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products (THMPD) was adopted on March 31, 2004 (1). He set standards for the use of herbal products that were previously used freely.
This directive requires all herbal preparations the same procedures as those used for pharmaceuticals. Even if the herb has been used as a remedy for thousands of years. The costs to get this approval are high, that only large companies can support (About 80,000 to 120,000 pounds of grass), and every herb that is part of a compound must be tested individually.
Never mind that a herb has been used safely and effectively for a long time. Receive the same treatment as a drug. Herbs are unrelated to this process. Are preparations made from biological sources. They are not purified, it could change its nature and efficacy, as with the food. Would be a distortion of nature and a change in use as medicines. The European Union has advocated corporatism since its inception.
Dr. Robert Verk k the Alliance for Natural Health describes the problem on the requirement of conformity of an herb as a medicine:
The request is the European Union to traditional herbal medicine is like trying to put a square peg into a round connector. The regulations does not take into account the specific tradition. Consideration should quickly if this policy does not discriminate against certain cultures and is a violation of Human Rights (2)
commercial law
To better understand what can happen, you should consult the Companies Law, which has been the center of all movements to place the food and medicines under the control of agribusiness and the pharmaceutical industry.
If you have been aware of what happened in the United States about raw milk and the claims of the FDA, Food and Drug Administration, will have noticed that through the Commission has been Federal Trade Commission (FTC), part of the process.
Rather than trying traditional medicines as a human rights issue, they have been treated from a commercially. This happy to large corporations, ignoring the wishes and needs of people. The FDA has acted absurd, as in the claim of Cheerios, which nuts become drugs because of the health claims made that company.
The purpose of this is creating a world safe for mega-corporations and free trade. And health needs of people is a factor not taken into consideration.
how to fight this invasion in Our Health and Welfare
is not to reach agreement. If you value being able to access the use of herbs, vitamins or other supplements, you should take some action. Although it may seem meaningless, consider them if you really care about this issue. Should the right to refuse medical treatment and how to keep your body healthy choice?
ANH has faced actively against this invasion. Have gone to court in an attempt to halt the entry into force of Directive THMPD. You may succeed, but history tells us that no legal maneuver will stop this heavy mass. We can not sit and wait to see the results. We need to see their efforts as a whole, in which all we play a role.
We must take action. If you live in Europe, please send a letter or message to the members of Parliament. Here you can see who are members of Parliament and contact addresses. Tell clearly supports the actions of ANH in its attempt to suspend the entry into force of the THMPD and expected to adopt an attitude of respect for the rights of individuals to choose their herbal treatments.
If you find it hard to write such a letter is a model at the end of this article. Feel free to use.
Perhaps then no wonder why we did not, why waste time watching a reality show instead of worrying about this issue.
actively protesting just maybe we can stop this travesty. If we are apathetic, then nothing will oppose the wishes of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Our right to protect our health and our children is at stake. No time to lose!
Model Letter:
SUBJECT: Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive
Dear ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
I use traditional medicinal remedies, those that have been used in Europe and other countries around the world for thousands of years.
To date no product Traditional Herbal Medicine of China and India (Ayurveda) has been approved according to rules established by the Herbal Medicinal Products Directive. I worry that traditional medicinal plants, that have been used as supplementary food, are prohibited from March 31, 2011, upon expiration of the transition phase.
are urgent changes to this Directive so as to suit traditional herbal culture.
Please do what is in their hands for this directive is not adopted in the current terms, as this would be an irreparable loss, culturally, and for our health, after thousands of years in which have been using plants as natural remedies.
(Incorporated noticiasdeabajo.worpress).
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Cool Freshman Sayings

Barbicacho outlined the great Latin American novel, wrote a poetry book and said nobody died of cirrhosis as a professor in the School of Arts after hate all the students who said they were going to write the great novel, the great poem, the great Latin American essay. Bonancini
swore drama concrete images of underdevelopment, the major motion picture project Budget Film stopped on the fourth string and the last to know about it said that filming wedges or maybe it was he who said that the filming to conceal any other The saddest thing.
A Ezekiel Ezequiel goodbye with cries of Comrade, your death will be avenged, and Digepol robbed us in the funeral urn to prevent the burial had political rally. Bartolo
since he was in the World Federation of Democratic Youth and met Javier Heraud was done as an international ambassador of the left always in large receptions in Havana or Biolurrusia or East Berlin and gave the party the very day the Soviet Union collapsed . Narváez
dawned in the cafeteria with his analysis of dependency theory would be the compass of Liberation and after the Guggenheim would not hear of anyone else. Years ago
not see Feodosiya, which wrote down the dictatorship with lipstick in the bathroom of the faculty, then moved to public relations and each time I appointed foaming left.
Dragun was a human whirlwind that we did the posters for rallies and drawings for the underground newspaper is their house was a Babel of manifolds and group meetings and strike committees and spoke trembling of permanent frenzy since exhibited at the Guggenheim Macrobiotic went to Boston.
The most radical of all was Medardo guerrilla happened in a week and was photographed in uniform, but did not believe in revolution and he alone knew all the invective point for those who just stop working on crap like mass then changed and ended up using the IMF package. Magdalena
proposing was free from patriarchal oppression by the claim of sexism and harassment until it was finished harassing anyone.
In no way short of saying that he's involved in trafficking and spent a week does not appear and one with a cap of Portuguese because police caught him something and he shaved his head, and years later was on a party member perejimenez . Grisel
was the first to whom I did not see his face again, not knowing what those eyes had fallen almost were of the category of cause of suicide. July
was so delicate, girls said it was a love of polite and died of his illness secret. Mariela
so keen to play in identifying the objective and subjective contradictions that saved her were all influential relatives who got the scholarship in Paris and Madrid and London and Brussels and Rome where he was doing graduate to the fifty years.
When do crazy things always were looking for Nemo, the giddy whom I felt both because he believed that neither father nor party or institution or ideology or interest could put it through the ring until he married and shaking every time the woman opened the mouth.
Doria, the great warrior who defended his family drop dead until he ran out of the park, the last time I saw told me about the wonders of marketing.
Ildefonso was who started the betrayal of hundred pages that brought down the entire left. Himself lived in hiding until he managed to do throughout the world forever.
a result of which the first was to Perucho seized and stalled as five years in prison after he did not want to talk about any of this and every time I saw him was the bitter expression. Ponce
Al dwarf what must have been hit by a car because no one else knew it. Narvaez was Copeyano
then urredista Opus Dei and then and then and then adeco MAS and after MVR emepenista and after and after the coup and later deputy pesuvista and always and always and forever ambassador and deputy judge always and forever. Fulano
became wealthy with a government and Mengano Zutano other and with everyone. Dr. Benvenuto Aristi
was sentenced to devour ended drugged patients but now thanks to the sympathetic judge gave him laugh prison home of the world.
not know what happened to all the others who are active in the cell where they vowed to greet the dawn of world revolution and Latin America. There
which was the great promise and that was quickly extinguished. Neither
I forget or I forget it whom we all forget. Di
to go to funerals but without looking at the face of the honoree to try to remember to life while still living seems as if velándolo.
not raise our living standards, but improve our levels of death from being thrown from the helicopter to the burial at sea to call funeral homes with more dead than we had living. We
assault the sky and fell over ourselves.
do not know if we discontinue because we have exhausted our actions, or to not notice that each new generation repeats the same. This is a time
bad we did not know we do good and worse. We were
as precursors of what we should have been.
not already know who each wake. Our only excuse is oblivion.
French version, thanks to the invaluable help of his friend Romain Vallée:
Luis Britto books on the Internet:
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela:
peace with Colombia:
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Church New Membership Letter

Monday, November 8, 2010
Tv Center Pro Lost Cd

Friday, November 5, 2010
Viral Infection In 1 Year Old
Call Fictions
2011 Photography Biennial Meeting
In our previous edition embarking on a path from the fiction: different positions from the increasingly ubiquitous photography and new practices. It is conceivable that these new practices configured platforms that house, among others, to new audiences and to ruin the visual arts can not be indifferent to them.
is true that the word is new about a known problem for modern art. Is no stranger to avant-garde art or its universal proposition. We can understand the systematic breakdown of the artistic movements of the twentieth century, as a break with precedent, with the immediate past and the past that part, contained in the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress, art history. This myth needs to categorize the artistic practices is the same that produces the need for immediate rupture with the past. Is one that modern art was the ability to incorporate practices from otherness to a more permissive political reconfiguration.
From another place, problematize the development has been an axis of tension in the world art in the last 50 years. Appropriationists practice, simulation, hyper, have served to demonstrate the hegemony of historicism in the visual arts, becoming a necessary holding his own artistic practice. These strategies of representation in the first place, confronted the idea of \u200b\u200bmimesis, plagiarism and intellectual property, emerged from an explicit renunciation of the original novedoso.1 even including those that have been proposed to art as a tautological process and its practices as a desestetizador pamphlet. Explicitly, by omission or voltage references of the past have been necessary as a myth founding.
Without doubt, our relationship with the images has changed since the invention of photography in this part and the legitimacy and the effective use of photography within the visual arts has been a minority in this universe. Ie the medium of photography not only transcend our references, but have also taken place in various constructions of identity.
Moreover, we think the second part of this freedom, the public. Beyond subcategorizarlo2, think the public is thinking about access in interpretive possibilities, the receptor as a project in itself. say new public art institutions circuit is that children and adolescents, students, guided tours. In short, a group viewed as lacking in speech, historical references, trial.
happens not as massive or cinema advertising, where Superman comes back every five years if the first vez3, and aesthetic pose shown are reinstated and a new target suitable for consumption. Somehow, this does not happen in the visual arts explicitly reaffirms its territory. However, from this instance we can think of this new configuration Photo increased media as a chance to think of others not so far made public. Here are relational practices, new media, interdisciplinary, and contemporary practices presented in various formats. Not explore this raised the waiver of the myths of art but to the possibility of producing from its invisible elements.
present publications, including curatorial proposal for this biennial event which opens the spectrum for papers, productions, artistic and educational practices. Open this call to make visible the possibility of integrating practices from the means of photography, to celebrate both the opportunity for the meeting.
1 Example of this are jobs such as Sherry Levine, Richard Prince and Chuck Close.
2 It is ridiculous to speak of a public educated and uneducated own system of nineteenth century art, not only because it seems more accurate to do it from a configuration of art contained in the notion of country or network such as Bourdieu, Cauqueline or Mouline but because this idea is presented to the public as an observer, as the receiver inactive. We prefer to think of the receiving agent as an active participant in shaping the practice of art.
3 Although the remake idea is not alien to the visual arts, the difference between film and television is Some of these do not produce tension with its historical reference. By contrast the presence of its referent appears in many cases the underlying and not participate as a key part of the new production. In this case, producers will focus on new target groups, better public still lacking critical attitude, unable to compare any of the wolfman who have appeared on screen since 1941.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Blushing Operation Cost
Room 2
2011 International Exhibition Stories
Mark Feldstein (USA)
Ogasahara (Japan)
Czechla Jorg (Germany)
Curator Jean Pierre Lambert
Room 1
Show 2011 Launch
Julieta Anaut Fictions (Arg)
Diana Mines (Uru)
Suzanne Gruber (Bra)
Roberto Fernández Ibáñez (Uruguay)
Manuel Gianoni (Uru)
Ignacio Rodríguez ( Uru)