sage lotion
Sage is one of the best plants to darken and tone the hair. It also stimulates hair growth and helps keep it healthy.
Ingredients (for 500 ml)
· 2 cups of water.
· 1 tablespoon vodka.
· ½ cup fresh sage leaves.
Chop the sage leaves and put them in a saucepan, over which pour water. When boiling, remove from heat and let mixture cool for several hours. Strain the liquid, put it in a bowl and add the vodka. To use it, we apply the lotion after washing the hair. Do not rinse with water.
Infusion to darken and gray hair:
lay 2 tablespoons of sage and rosemary 2 ½ pint of boiling water, let cool and filter the cooking. Rinse the hair daily in this mixture and gradually obscuring anger you. It may help if you add a little rosemary along with the sage.
Cooking for dry hair and gray:
Two handfuls of walnut leaves
A liter of water
Boil water. When you enter a state of boiling, add two generous handfuls of walnut leaves and simmer for about 15 minutes, then allowed to settle and filter.
Use: Daily Friction.
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