Barbicacho outlined the great Latin American novel, wrote a poetry book and said nobody died of cirrhosis as a professor in the School of Arts after hate all the students who said they were going to write the great novel, the great poem, the great Latin American essay. Bonancini
swore drama concrete images of underdevelopment, the major motion picture project Budget Film stopped on the fourth string and the last to know about it said that filming wedges or maybe it was he who said that the filming to conceal any other The saddest thing.
A Ezekiel Ezequiel goodbye with cries of Comrade, your death will be avenged, and Digepol robbed us in the funeral urn to prevent the burial had political rally. Bartolo
since he was in the World Federation of Democratic Youth and met Javier Heraud was done as an international ambassador of the left always in large receptions in Havana or Biolurrusia or East Berlin and gave the party the very day the Soviet Union collapsed . Narváez
dawned in the cafeteria with his analysis of dependency theory would be the compass of Liberation and after the Guggenheim would not hear of anyone else. Years ago
not see Feodosiya, which wrote down the dictatorship with lipstick in the bathroom of the faculty, then moved to public relations and each time I appointed foaming left.
Dragun was a human whirlwind that we did the posters for rallies and drawings for the underground newspaper is their house was a Babel of manifolds and group meetings and strike committees and spoke trembling of permanent frenzy since exhibited at the Guggenheim Macrobiotic went to Boston.
The most radical of all was Medardo guerrilla happened in a week and was photographed in uniform, but did not believe in revolution and he alone knew all the invective point for those who just stop working on crap like mass then changed and ended up using the IMF package. Magdalena
proposing was free from patriarchal oppression by the claim of sexism and harassment until it was finished harassing anyone.
In no way short of saying that he's involved in trafficking and spent a week does not appear and one with a cap of Portuguese because police caught him something and he shaved his head, and years later was on a party member perejimenez . Grisel
was the first to whom I did not see his face again, not knowing what those eyes had fallen almost were of the category of cause of suicide. July
was so delicate, girls said it was a love of polite and died of his illness secret. Mariela
so keen to play in identifying the objective and subjective contradictions that saved her were all influential relatives who got the scholarship in Paris and Madrid and London and Brussels and Rome where he was doing graduate to the fifty years.
When do crazy things always were looking for Nemo, the giddy whom I felt both because he believed that neither father nor party or institution or ideology or interest could put it through the ring until he married and shaking every time the woman opened the mouth.
Doria, the great warrior who defended his family drop dead until he ran out of the park, the last time I saw told me about the wonders of marketing.
Ildefonso was who started the betrayal of hundred pages that brought down the entire left. Himself lived in hiding until he managed to do throughout the world forever.
a result of which the first was to Perucho seized and stalled as five years in prison after he did not want to talk about any of this and every time I saw him was the bitter expression. Ponce
Al dwarf what must have been hit by a car because no one else knew it. Narvaez was Copeyano
then urredista Opus Dei and then and then and then adeco MAS and after MVR emepenista and after and after the coup and later deputy pesuvista and always and always and forever ambassador and deputy judge always and forever. Fulano
became wealthy with a government and Mengano Zutano other and with everyone. Dr. Benvenuto Aristi
was sentenced to devour ended drugged patients but now thanks to the sympathetic judge gave him laugh prison home of the world.
not know what happened to all the others who are active in the cell where they vowed to greet the dawn of world revolution and Latin America. There
which was the great promise and that was quickly extinguished. Neither
I forget or I forget it whom we all forget. Di
to go to funerals but without looking at the face of the honoree to try to remember to life while still living seems as if velándolo.
not raise our living standards, but improve our levels of death from being thrown from the helicopter to the burial at sea to call funeral homes with more dead than we had living. We
assault the sky and fell over ourselves.
do not know if we discontinue because we have exhausted our actions, or to not notice that each new generation repeats the same. This is a time
bad we did not know we do good and worse. We were
as precursors of what we should have been.
not already know who each wake. Our only excuse is oblivion.
French version, thanks to the invaluable help of his friend Romain Vallée: http://luisbrittogarcia-fr.blogspot.com
Luis Britto books on the Internet:
Rajatabla: www.monteavila.gob.ve
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela: www.minci.gob.ve
peace with Colombia: www.minci.gob.ve
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