Friday, June 25, 2010

Creatine Alkaline For Women


If a person wants to avoid stress and tension, then you must train your mind to see anything that people find- , objects, events and experiences, realistically, like transients, which arise dependently through the conditions. Should reflect on them in terms of the three characteristics, as impermanent, unsatisfactory and no "I" or ego. In doing so helps reduce involved in these phenomena, and therefore reduce the desire and attachment to them. It also avoids the anger, anxiety, and pride - the thoughts of "me" and "mine" - and that these emotions cause stress and tension.
When we take this attitude of life, we discover more detachments, a deeper calm, a more lasting peace of heart in the midst of the same situations that previously produced only stress and worry. The key to managing stress is through discipline and control the mind.
(Robert Bogada, A simple guide to life).


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