Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wellastraighting Cream

TWO SMALL GRANTS against cellulite.

Two small grants, cheap and easy to prepare home to combat cellulite:
* HOME CELLULITE LOTION : Mix a handful of sage, eucalyptus another, ½ liter of olive oil and a little lemon juice. Marinate for 9 days and strain. Apply using circular massage on the skin affected by cellulite, after a hot bath.

A half cup of sugar
1 / 4 cup of coffee grounds
3 / 4 cup olive oil
Mix everything together and massage the legs with the mixture, morning and evening. Before a massage mitt. If stored in a tightly closed bottle can last for two weeks.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Team Names For Ovarian Cancer Walk


are cordially invited on Thursday 24 to the presentation at the International Book Fair of Venezuela (Filven) three of my books: mask power and The language of demagoguery , at 10 am in the ceremonial dish of Teresa Carreño, and counter-Empire, from rock to Postmodernism, the same day at 7 pm. Andrés Bello in the room. There we see.


How Conquest and retained power in Venezuela? Chieftains, conquerors, warlords, gendarmes and leaders of mass necessary flaunted a constellation of traits and practices that have long shaped the image of men of American power.
These features, connected to a rhetoric of "popular tradition" as a collaborative project of the class is the key message of populism that for more than half a century dominated the contemporary history of Latin America and led to her current crisis .
Deciphering the signs of that message is to know the control mechanism and the pathways that led up to it, is start Mask of Power, transcend revolutionary, opening up the necessary changes and avoid relapse.
This work received the Award for Research in Social Sciences Teachers Association of the Central University of Venezuela in l988 and the Municipal Prize for Literature, Major Test, l990.

LANGUAGE of demagoguery
For half a century in Venezuela and Latin American populist movements in power, who obtained the consent of the dominated by a discourse preached class collaboration under an assumed identity between leaders and people.
How is the language of demagoguery? What colors, emblems and statues attract the votes of their constituents? What names, slogans, songs and jingles choose to deceive their clientele? How simulates a popular language course? How does opportunistically doctrines and programs, varying the roles assigned to the actors in the political arena? What values \u200b\u200b
says to pursue, and how it intends to achieve them? What is the image of being deprived people degrading and broadcasting while pretending to praise? What myths used to gain power and keep it? And why they ultimately fail? This work responds
such questions using rigorous analytical tools of political discourse, measuring their values \u200b\u200band define the roles of the protagonists, which are powerful tools to uncover and destroy the trappings of demagoguery.

Rock, Pop, Punk, Media, Happening, LSD, Psychedelic, Hip Hop, Sexual Liberation, Antisiquiatría, subculture, counterculture are conceptual shells constant battle being waged in the field of consciousness. This book analyzes lucidly the handling mechanisms by which the dominant powers waging cultural war against its internal marginality and outlying villages. For the last half-millennium history focuses on attempt by developed countries to subject the rest of the world under the pretext to impose a hegemonic culture that takes as an excuse rationalist ideals of modernity. The resistance of the invaded was successful as both waves countercultural revolution that profoundly altered the same metropolis.
In 1968 the political rebellion, sexual liberation, delusional thinking, pacifism and the uprising of the ethnic groups seemed to promise a global utopia at hand. The system has perverted the countercultural symbols by commodity fetishism to reduce consumption subcultures that led to the latest incarnation of Modernity: Postmodernism, with its attempt to reduce all humanistic discourse to the language of market exchange value of the Almighty. Under this banner, and using both the armed attack and counter monetary hegemonic nations fight their latest offensive against the Third World with the avowed purpose of stopping history, or whatever it is, the Culture. The protection and preservation of the latter is the precondition of a successful alternative response of the countries of the periphery.

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"To the pursuit of knowledge through research scientific, humanistic and technological to spiritual and material benefit of the Nation "respond Article 109 of the Constitution, and logic. According to the Office of Planning of the University Sector (OPSU), by 1992 the national universities spent more than half of its funds on bureaucratic costs, only 26.8% to teaching, only 4.6% on research. The number of bureaucrats and workers exceeded several times that of teachers. For 2008 in public universities had 27,000 workers, 47,000 clerks and 45,000 teachers. Teachers and researchers are still a minority. The UCV was the largest producer of jobs scientific research; lost that status decades ago. Luis Fuenmayor reports that in 2007 less than 15% of the plant are qualified teachers and researchers by the PPI, only 14% is a doctor and only 8% do research, that only 20% of the graduate degrees are awarded, the last degree 8 years in progress and the gross graduation rate is only 12% (Luis Fuenmayor Toro: "The deterioration university and constitutional reform", La Razon, 18/11/2007). But a real university should spend more than half of its resources to the creation of knowledge, generous portion to teaching, and administration insignificant portion. Our houses of study must drastically reorder priorities and expenditures.

In his thesis The exclusion of the poor in higher education , Eduardo Martinez Gil demonstrates that the UCV in 1981, 65.19% of its students were graduates of high schools and officers 34.75 % of private schools, while in 2000, came from public high schools the 22.45% and 71.24% private. Of higher income levels (A and B) in 1981 and 25.58% came from poor levels (D and E), 21.77%, but in 2000 the levels A and B entering 53.29% and of the poor D and E only 6.59% entered. Aware that the USB in 1981, 42.32% came from public high schools and 57.68% of the private and of that total, 51.61% from the wealthy or affluent (AB) and 13% of the poor (DE .) Then in 1999, the USB came from public secondary schools 8.89% and 84.07% from private. 74.45% of those admitted were of high social status, was only 0.93% of the sector and none in the sector D E (Eleazar Diaz Rangel, Latest News, 30/03/2008). In two decades, we became funnels universities to provide free higher education to exclude the privileged and the needy. The admission tests attached decisive weight to the generous average notes give private schools. The university became a tool free equalizer to filter discriminator. But the only condition for access to higher education should be the ability to use it. Institutions that everyone pays to be open to everyone.


The World Bank Report on Venezuela 2000: Education for Economic Growth and Social Equity (For official use only) intended to reinforce this inequity through that would pay tuition and 15% of university expenditure, but exclude the underprivileged. The UCV those currently charged to those continue a second career. Also charged for courses or workshops that aim to grant certificates of races not authorized by the University Council, for example, the announcer. The real barrier is in the proliferation of successive graduate, none free, all expensive and lengthy and therefore not open to persons of low income. A souped-approval system admits very short courses abroad are of the same value as several years of study and research in the country. Given this gradual accumulation of filters that only let the money, the Bolivarian process raised education spending to 6.3% of GDP in 2006 and created new free higher education institutes that almost quadrupled the enrollment of 668,109 students in 1998 to 2,135,146 in 2007 (OPSU). Higher education should be for those whose age and ability to use it.

PD: TRIPLE PLAY CULTURAL . I invite you on Thursday 24 filing at the Filven three of my books: mask power and The language of demagoguery , at 10am in the ceremonial hall of the Teresa Carreño, and counter-Empire, from rock to Postmodernism; the same day at 7 pm. Andrés Bello in the room. Beyond we (PHOTO / TEXT LBG)
French version, thanks to the intelligent support Romain Vallée friend:
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela:
Peace with Colombia:

Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Get Past Fortiguard Web Filtering


Original Title:
Braveheart Director: Mel Gibson
Screenplay: Randall Wallace
Cast: Mel Gibson, Patrick McGoohan, Sophie Marceau, Catherine McCormack, Angus Macfadyen, Brendan Gleeson, Tommy Flanagan, David O'Hara
USA, 1995

In 1993 Mel Gibson first entered into the filmmaking with "The Man Without a Face", which was not a great film, but gave momentum to appear two years later in "Braveheart."

Film on the history of Scottish release, specifically based on the character of William Wallace , is part of a script by Randall Wallace (who is not proven to be a descendant of William ), who in turn is the brain of another film media as "Pearl Harbor" (2001) and "The Man in the Iron Mask" (1998). But it is precisely what makes "Braveheart" does not like some, though the film has a very few carecterística may be awarded: teaching in the pursuit of objectives.

could criticize the work by treatment audiovisual, perhaps poor in resources, using the majestic landscape to ascribe achievements in photography, leaving out major actions that could be used as grounds for further amaze the viewer, or elements of cinematic language entirely untapped by their leaders technicians ( but also high points are redeemed the costumes and art direction). However, there are two elements that do stand out in this work and with the right experience, I must say that if they are well made, can put the movie on a superlative level. This is how the story (not necessarily linked to the script, but the overall proposal represents), as in turn this has symbiosis with music composed brilliantly by James Horner - Oscar winner for "Titanic" (1997) - make "Braveheart" is one of the movies that have to see.

Gibson makes no difference if it's a bad or good director. Maybe his future films do not reveal much and do not stand out from the rest, but this more than overshadow the American raised in Australia, vaunting the film in question, showing that history is important to achieve this connection with the viewer magic is unusual. Despite its almost 3 hours, the film has a magnet that traps every passer addict zapping, which must unintentionally be at the screen until the final credits begin to appear.

And this for what? It is without doubt the magic of which I speak. The emotion that gives the character and strength, are of a purity and a conviction that excite even the most frugal, so that a turning point can be generated in your thoughts and change the switch and think that nothing is impossible , which with strength and perseverance anything is possible but seems very lejando. We just need to believe in us, just simply the power of our ideas to create the change we want ... and are those who believe in things that do not lose expectations, which are moved at that time that shouts "freedom."

Rating: 7 / 7

Scene from "Braveheart"

Utility Trailer Registration Ontario


I've been away from my blog for heavy load work. Now return regularly to go answering your old comments from other entries, one by one, as I always do, and to visit your blogs. But I think there is a priority issue that affects us all: The earthquake in Japan. Pray for our Japanese brethren. Many times we look for explanations to these disasters, we investigate and speculations about the "whys." But in this tragic time only pray, we are united clamoring for Japanese families. We pray for all those affected by the survivors who suffer the tragedy of this magnitude. A common prayer, whether you're Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, agnostic or atheist. It is not have to "believe in prayer" is "pray to feel compassion in our being" . From the heart to ask them all comfort and peace. And also help, since we can, with any contribution. It is a moral duty as human beings united in grief of a people. Meditate on this tragedy, to make us more humble, more caring and better people: Japan are all!

The following organization has begun accepting donations earmarked for aid to areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami in the Tohoku region and the Pacific Coast occurred last March 11.

English Red Cross: . Donante.donativo

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Conditioning Mascara?

Back ...

days ago, have already been turned into weeks, he wanted to come write on this site. It's been over 4 months without this place I appeared with my pen addicted to cinema. It is now finished with the niche I started with a group of friends , focusing on my strength in just two posts: and east, where you are. The first will discuss on issues that seem relevant in my opinion (published twice a week), and the second I focus on one of my passions: cinema (published every Monday.)

While we have several films in theaters is well worth being discussed, I will initiate this encounter with a film that has become a classic of the new generations. So get ready for the next post, which has been ...

Painting Sheer Clothes Miniatures



In conversation with intellectuals in the International Book Fair The Havana Fidel warned of severe food crisis in progress and asked to present suggestions on their solution.


Commander not exaggerating. Due to climatic disasters possibly triggered by the emission of greenhouse gases, the 2003 heat wave in Europe fell by a third its grain production. Russia third largest exporter of wheat in the world, for reasons similar closed in 2010 its exports and Canada adopted similar policies. All forecasts indicate that global warming and climatic disturbances tend to increase their evil influence, but are not the only factor in the global food shortage.


Capitalism can not solve this situation: it is he who creates it. Their industries and vehicles contribute to climate disasters trigger. The capitalist does not grow to satisfy hunger, but for profit. Devotes an important part of the crops to the textile, animal feed livestock and biofuels. Transnational corporations have made massive purchases of land in the Third World, devoted to monoculture crops for export and not for domestic food. The Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO) admitted in 2004 that neo-liberal policies, free market and the adjustments dictated by the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization it impossible for countries to ensure the human right to food ("The famine is born of the economic model; 24/06/2008).


The capital is concentrated in ever fewer hands: the food too. A dozen interconnected corporations and 36 subsidiaries dominate global production and marketing. Sign up the Anglo-Dutch-Swiss, twelve of them are associated to the lineup of Windsor, the English ruling house, the others are mostly linked to five other royal houses. Just two, Continental and Cargill, control more than half of global grain production. This colossal oligopoly dominates 95% of food production in the United States, Europe, the Commonwealth countries and Latin America, especially Argentina and Brazil, and their crops depend on five billion people. In the rest of the world have depressed food production by initiating the removal of protectionist policies and subsidies, the suspension of funding and large agricultural projects, dumping and control over seeds and fertilizers (Jerome War: "The scarcity and shortages as weapons of mass destruction "Rebellion, 24/02/2008).


Before the collapse of 2008, the speculative economy was over eighty times the actual production of goods. The same is beginning to happen with food. According to FAO figures, and in 2007 the international price of maize increased 31%, rice by 74%, 60% vegetable oils, dairy products 83%, 87% soy and wheat 130% ( = 42294). Katia Monteagudo informs us that as the world organization GRAIN the current speculation on food rose from $ 5,000 million in 2000 to $ 175,000 million in 2007, that between August and September 2010 on the Chicago Board of wheat jumped its price from 60 to 80 % with respect to July, which according to Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg, president of Strategic Investment Group, investment advisers from the World Bank estimates that since 2008 the speculative demand for agricultural commodities futures has grown between 40 and 80 percent ("get money to famine" Environment Bulletin, 10/03/2011). Speculation and the scarcity leads to dramatic price increases. September 2011 a bushel of corn was $ 466.3, for March 2011 has reached $ 788. Wheat in the same period jumps from $ 2,794 to $ 3,675 a bushel, with sugar, a bushel of $ 5,616 to $ 7,437 (Cynthia Carreño: profit-inflated-the-price-of-the-food ). Behind the turmoil in Europe and the Arab world are critical shortages and price hikes of food.


Are we free from this crisis in Latin America? On the contrary, our condition makes it feel dependent economies multiplied the effects of global disturbances. Illustrative purposes only examine some Latin American countries traditionally regarded as strong producers and exporters of food. Mexico began to lose that status after the signing of NAFTA, which allowed its agriculture was destroyed by competition from subsidized U.S. crops. Some four million farmers lost their land and had to migrate to cities for 1995 the government said five "areas of hunger." The Bank of Mexico reports that in 2007 the country paid $ 5 billion dollars in 2005 for the importation of 127 basic food items and agricultural inputs, an increase of 62% and that two thirds of the increases were reflected in five commodities: corn, wheat, soy, milk powder and seeds (Laura Carlsen: "Behind Latin America's Food Crisis, America's Program, 5/19/2008). By 1989 another country agricultural tradition, Colombia, produced 90% percent of food consumed, two decades later by political and social matters over 90% percent of maize, rice 57% and 44% of the beans, and coffee production is in ruins. Although the country has not enacted a Free Trade Agreement with the U.S., they will sell agricultural products by $ 1,500 million, 38% of the $ 4,000 that sold annually in Latin America ("The famine is born of the economic model 08/06/1924 ). One of the countries with higher agricultural production is Brazil, where agriculture pays 8% of its huge GDP, covering domestic needs and employs a quarter of its workforce, making it the world's largest producer of sugar cane coffee and major exporter of soybeans, snuff, chocolate, orange and wood. This enormous expansion of food production has been done however at the expense of deforestation and destruction of huge tracts of forest, tropical forest and "closed" that could eventually jeopardize the water supply, and by the uncontrolled expansion of estates, sometimes transnational property, which has left the status of "landless" or poverty for millions of Brazilians, of whom 46 million have been declared "unsafe food." Brazil has increased its greenhouse gas emissions by 41% between 1990 and 2005. To be located in equator, is and will in future be one of the countries most affected by global warming, which affect food production. Argentina, another major agricultural producers, was hit between 2008 and 2009 by the worst drought in a century. Also, between 2010 and 2011 unpredictable droughts and floods devastate agriculture in Colombia and Venezuela. According to World Bank reports, the total agricultural production could decline by between 3 percent and 15 percent due to global climate change by the end of the century, and some studies say these figures could be much worse in the agricultural regions of the equatorial Latin America ( Http:// ).


Emergencies require immediate and extreme measures. To begin to remedy the situation, movements and progressive governments must stop the destruction of green areas and wetlands on the planet, veto any efforts to privatize water systems or for distribution, limiting the emission of greenhouse gases; place social control water and arable land, prohibiting bulk purchases of land by transnational or foreign powers, implement radical reforms land, declaring the public interest and protect food production, limit the cultivation of biofuels, textiles and vegetable consumption and promote livestock species for direct human consumption, hold the import or export of such goods to the public interest to tightly control GM and severely penalize land speculation or with food.

will however such measures while the attempt within the capitalist mode of production, who founded the accumulation for the few over the misery of all. Still others elements highlight the urgency of building a new mode of production. Studies show worthy of any claim that was exceeded the peak of exploitation of hydrocarbons, which now yields its holding must be reduced. Some estimates indicate that by the year 2050 will run out of oil. Other calculations extend this expectation, but overconsumption can shorten. Anything else will the coal, further polluting fuel, but also be consumed. With them will go out the model of civilization in which we live. There are technical means to survive this catastrophe, but not social and economic organization to enable their implementation. Rather than create, the more developed countries are oil pillage. Those who have, we should organize ourselves to survive.


No great power handling coherent plans to survive in a world without oil. While the progressive exhaustion impoverish the world, Venezuela and other countries for a few decades will have greater income from its sale, if not imperial wars the snatch. To defend that income, they depend on our present and future, we must halt and reverse the concessions to corporations and associations with them, and apply the principle that different national companies, including PDVSA, will always be shareholders of its subsidiaries. Our duty is to use these inputs to create what the rest of the planet and try to not be able to do: an alternative model that does not depend on the waste of hydrocarbons, which essentially retains the decisive advantages of the present form of civilization, to replace burning hydrocarbon hydro, wind and solar energy use of oil by multiplying its derivatives such as plastics, fertilizers, medicines, and maintain its own reserve intended for internal use in the most extreme contingencies.


No country Hegemonic develops long-term strategies for preserving the environment. We, the countries with progressive governments, countries with energy and natural resources, we must stop attempts to privatize water and other natural resources, stop the devastation of our Amazon together with the other countries sharing the region in absolute terms leave mining techniques with mercury and other contaminants, extend our reserves and parks and adamantly defend his integrity, halt and reverse the salinization of large water reservoirs, including Lake Maracaibo, and curb pollution of rivers, replant with native species devastated forests, to recover our limited arable land is currently unproductive estates confiscated by cobalt or buried under houses, enabling treatment for agriculture and cultivated land infertile the plains and sow in them the foundation of our food self-sufficiency.


No great power displays coherent plans to remedy the extreme inequality that tears the world into two hundred and seven countries wasteful and need, and maps to capitalist wealth hundred half world's population. Before these two hundred hogs to monopolize the world, we must ensure social control over our major means of production, and oriented towards the creation of basic goods to meet the needs of the majority. This involves passing the waste of fossil fuels toward alternative sources, from consumerism to recycling, climate control ozone-destroying architectural management of drafts, individual to collective transport, urban concentration to the repopulation agrarian mobilization of information goods.


No country Hegemonic
found to shorten the growing gap between state, political parties and people. We must avoid the confiscation of State for political and economic classes and become the ruler of the arm movements, all leaders must be nominated and elected by the grassroots, to serve and be accountable to them. State management of the progressive countries, the states of countries with natural resources, all States should be oriented toward program goals and objectives and evaluated in terms of compliance. The State should be fully computerized to avoid delay and multiplication of unnecessary steps. His senseless proliferation of federal and decentralized entities to be reduced according to the logic. We must eradicate tax systems that exempt the transnational companies and financial capital and take it out people carrying recessive taxes such as VAT and bank debits to replace peche progressive taxation in proportion to the amount of income. It is imperative that we eliminate at once, for cancellation or payment, Debt bondage, in which there is no sovereignty. To the extent that the wealth of the countries blessed with natural resources will be increasingly desirable, we must reshape its military doctrine clearly defining our enemy, role in the defense by giving every citizen, increasingly democratizing the army, making weapons and diversifying our purchase, contracting and multi-regional partnerships to avoid the confiscation of fossil energy by a single power.


the imminence of the end of a model of civilization based on resource destruction, pillage and accumulation, no hegemon tries to create a culture of renewal, cooperation and equality. In Venezuela and other countries must try by expanding the free educational opportunities to all population, the inclusion of audiovisual and computer as teaching tools, adapting academic curriculum to the real needs of the country, its emphasis on learning to learn techniques and research, automation and infinite availability of knowledge and heritage group, the conversion of each citizen in a scientist and artist for any scientist. We must build a knowledge society, based on the information, the most precious and more democratic by virtue of their infinite replicability and dissemination by computer.


will only have one chance to get this model if the triple conjure energy crisis, environmental and food that threatens humanity. To this end, we must start a double action, with international bodies to enforce treaties and regulations to curb global destruction, waste of resources and speculation in food and biofuel production, and within each country to adopt regulations conservationists, punish and prevent food speculation, curb wastage and destruction of resources and apply those rules drastically while establishing a conservation consciousness among citizens. Intellectuals can work with this campaign by spreading the survival of the world as far as possible the severity of the situation that threatens humanity, and recommending the necessary measures to avert it. The rider rides on the world hunger and stop only if we can prevent it from breaking after the Plague, War and Death.

PD: The next International Book Fair of Venezuela will be submitted my books The Empire counter: from rock to post-modernity, The Mask of power: The language of demagoguery, and Abrapalabra.

French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée: http://luisbrittogarcia-fr.

Luis Britto Books online:

media dictatorship in Venezuela:

peace with Colombia:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

London Fruit And Herb Company Canada


In 1984 he traveled for hours that seem Libyan desert lunar landscapes to complex refineries like winches and space stations. Out there every day to 1,600,000 barrels of oil kept running to Europe. Libya has reserves estimated at 42 billion barrels. The hegemonic powers of the constant living fossil energy waste that do not possess. Instead of enabling alternative energy, plunder to countries that do have. Beware of the malignancy of one whom you favor, the proverb Libya. The first condition to be met today a country to be invaded is to have oil or be their area of \u200b\u200bpassage.
In 1836 Libya was attacked by Turks, Italians invaded in 1912, conquered by the British in 1943, in 1951 occupied by British troops, and Italian Americans who hold the puppet King Idris, who captures the rising oil revenues . In 1969 Muammar Gaddafi, a colonel in 27 years, commanding a military rebellion that expelled foreign bases, created in 1970, the National Oil Company which dominates half production, and in 1977 proclaimed the Great Socialist People's Republic of Libyan Arab. When cattle falls, the knives look, says the proverb Libya. The second condition for a country to be invaded is to take control of their natural resources.
in Tripoli in 1984 to attend 15th anniversary of the Jamahiriya. Witnessed massive popular assemblies which are discussed and apparently solving problems. The Green Paper is presented as the Third Universal Theory, and proclaims the primacy of initiative and grassroots organizations. He claims that "democracy is the power of the people and not the power to substitute the people." He asserts that " representation is a sham. " Proclaims that "the party represents only a fraction of the people, while popular sovereignty is indivisible." Argues that "the people's congresses are the only means of popular democracy." The village is divided into Basic People's Congresses, each Congress elects a committee that directs and all committees are the people's congresses. In the streets the ladies wear the headscarf, but in battalions parades look gorgeous female faces and hair, scientists are women and girls fighter pilots. Libya has an estimated GDP for 2010 of about 76.557 billion dollars, with annual increase of 6.7%. Currently exports annual output of some 63,050 million compared with imports of 11,500 million give a broadly favorable trade balance and allow you to accumulate reserves by about 200,000 million dollars, supporting a negligible foreign debt of $ 5.521 million. This will report the highest GDP per capita ($ 14,534) and the best Human Development Index in Africa. Life expectancy is 74 years, infant mortality from 18 per l, 000 and illiteracy of 5.5%, expenditure on education is 2.7% of GDP while the defense does not exceed 1.1 % of GDP. However, there remains a 30% poverty. Who does not help your family, does not help anyone, Libyan proverb teaches. The third condition to be invaded is to rely on the grassroots and redistribute social wealth.
The Libyan not only advocates of direct democracy. A nationalist, because expels foreign military bases and appropriate resources. Is integration, it supports the African Union and preaches the coordination or confederation of Arab World, a cultural community of 339,128,336 people spread across three continents over 13,707,811 square kilometers, which owns most of the planet's energy resources. Libya defends these resources to strongly support the decisions of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. In its early days the Libyan is internationalist. At the Conference on the 15th anniversary of Al Fatah in Tripoli involved a massive indigenous leader of the United States, which strongly denounced the genocide against his people, the African-American reverend Farrakah, who threatens the northern power with thunderstorms, hail and nuclear war , the commander Tomas Borge, who rejects any hypothesis humanistic leading to nuclear holocaust, Fatah delegates meet us in separate session to explain the internal differences in their movement. This solidarity draws condemnation of the powers struggling to break the rest of the planet. One hand does not clap alone, reflects the aphorism Libya. The fourth overrun condition for integration is to preach the Third World.
A camel oasis frequented by roast lamb lunch. 90% of Libyans are six million Muslims. As in other Islamic countries, the differences between classes and ideologies overlap of religious bias and those of these sects and clans and ethnic groups and regions and generations, over differences with more than half a million immigrants. Too many captains sink the ship, the saying Libya. The fifth condition to be invaded is that the attackers divide to reign.
During the 15 anniversary of the Libyan see spend a short Kadafi. It is then a sober young green uniform, talking and discussing animatedly with the large assembly. Few things have been more flattered by the powers to buy oil, a few more demonized by the media to strip them of it. International tribunals deaf, blind and dumb to the impunity of terrorist Posada Carriles condemned Libya for allegedly blowing up a plane in England. Kadafi compensation paid under protest the case. Without prior declaration of war, the Reagan administration violated the airspace in the Gulf of Sirte in 1981 and in 1986 bombed Tripoli, Gaddafi's residence sweeps, he kills a child and about a hundred of their compatriots. The same news agencies that concluded that genocide now deplore bombing cases against demonstrators. Telesur sends two teams to the area, which found no traces of bombardment. The Russian military satellite images demonstrates that such attacks did not occur. Yes, there is extensive exchange of fire between loyalists and rebels. These are not, therefore, unarmed protesters. United States agencies, whose army is mercenary, they lie to the government advocates are "mercenaries." Among his repertoire of triggers of panic not stop invoking the "chemical weapons" and attributed to Iraq. Who replicated the lion, have bad breath, says the proverb Libya. The sixth condition to be invaded is being demonized by the international agencies.
The storm information translates into a lack of information What actually happens in Libya? Are they working people's organizations, or are displaced by political classes? Does it replace the representation to participation? Is it credible that together increase the human development index and social unrest? Have you given Kadafi to bullying and transnational empire? Is the feud with Libya honest power ratings for forty years have bought oil and sold weapons? During that time the ubiquitous media fail to provide any explanation. While U.S. leaders and media monopolies are full of praise for the rebels what they advocate? What plan? What do you propose? The only credentials consist FNSL have conducted a "National Congress" in the United States in 2007, funded by the NED. All the world's media expected to disseminate their plans. If you do not declare, you do not have them or are unspeakable. If they object to "privatize the oil Kadafi? If you really have popular support for what they need the intervention of the first overwhelming military power in the world? If you want the good of their country, why open it to annihilating invasion foreign empires? Look no pleasure in the misfortune of another, the maximum recommended Libya. The seventh condition for invasion is being misrepresented by the misinformation.
U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier crashes with the Libyan coast and landed confused dispatches say "advisors" armed to the teeth, while robbers pacta collusion with the European Union and NATO military helicopter is caught in flagrante violation of the sovereignty of the Arab country. Walter Martinez reveals that the London School of Economics prepared the baton of leadership of the attacked: four scholarships Libyans were trained in the virtues of savage neoliberalism. As in a nightmare we repeated the Iraqi situation. The plan is to steal the Libyan oil to launch a dumping him to ruin and break the governments of OPEC. U.S. policy is the only global looting oil, which eventually leads to blockage of the remaining energy powers and the World War. Venezuela proposes mediation, Kadafi and accept the Arab League and the ALBA convenes a plenary meeting to discuss the situation. Shared burden is lighter than a feather, says the Libyan maxim. When you see a Third World country under the imperial aggression burning, put your solidarity to soak.

PD: The next International Book Fair of Venezuela will be submitted my books The Empire counter: from rock to post-modernity, The Mask of power: The language of demagoguery, and Abrapalabra.
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée: http://luisbrittogarcia- Books Luis Britto on the Internet:
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela:
peace with Colombia: