Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lic Money Plus Growth Fund


Venezuela continues to grow at trials foreign courts and arbitrators of the World Bank, such as the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

frivolous claims are excessive in amount, because they demand compensation for the "expected profit", because Article 153 of our Constitution pattern that disputes over contracts of public interest should be resolved under our laws and by Venezuelan courts.

can not be decided by arbitrators disputes over contracts of public interest as well as arbitration can decide not murder trials, as both are substances of public and private agreements do not depend on private in nature.

But transnational drag Venezuela before arbitral foreign and hostile statements referring to them as written by Luisa Estela Morales Lamuño on October 17, 2008 to the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, that "this room shares the criterion that settled the Political Administrative Chamber of the former Supreme Court Justice in the August 17, 1999, in conjunction with Article 127 of the 1961 Constitution, under which "(...) is evident (...) that the wording of that provision leaves no doubt that constituent to include in contracts in the public interest exception if not irrelevant in accordance with the nature of them are hosted on the immune system that had already established the constitution of 1947. Otherwise the system that prevails in developed countries, which constantly undergo their international disputes to arbitrators chosen by each state, seeking thereby to prevent the domestic jurisdiction of any of these tent-like look inevitably to favor their country in the dispute in question (...). "

According to that decision, the immunity of jurisdiction, Article 1 of the Constitution includes among the sovereign and inalienable principles of the Republic, would be "relative immunity." This would prevent the domestic jurisdiction of Venezuela "tent-like look inevitable" to promote his country in the dispute concerned. "

As a woman can not be half pregnant, sovereignty can not be relative. Sovereignty includes the absolute power, perpetual and irrevocable be a republic of laws and enforce them and decide disputes that arise over them. Losing one of these powers is to lose everything. Needless to legislate and enforce laws with the authorities, when foreign arbitrators or judges can invalidate their actions.

is moving the Supreme Court's concern for the interests of foreign capital. Statements such as that provided to the transnational enemies of Venezuela a golden bridge to drag the "relative immunity" of our country to foreign arbitrators or judges to "avoid the domestic jurisdiction" we can "favor."

How Venezuela deliver absolute sovereignty, perpetual and irrevocable? In the same sentence is given a discretion tailored to the interests of transnational

"In matters of arbitration, it is a dogma in the Venezuelan legal system that the willingness shown by the State to submit to the arbitral jurisdiction must be in writing, as it must be explicit and well demarcated on what subjects or issues can relate, which assumes as enunciated above, formalizing the agreement that is made in writing, is free and unequivocal. "

suffice then a "consent to be made in writing" for us to lose the indispensable principle of sovereign immunity from jurisdiction, which can not be transferred, as sovereignty or resignation or transferred. Following the same logic would only take a "consent to be made in writing" so that we transfer to foreign powers sovereign powers to create our laws, applying them and, as declared by the sentencima above, to interpret the disputes on matters of public interest .

If we want to stop us and ruin condemn foreign arbitrators or judges, we should appoint judges who believe in Venezuelan sovereignty and immunity from jurisdiction of Venezuela, and defend their judgments.

Other bridges of gold for the judicial coup Treaties are called Investment Promotion and Protection, with provisions similar to those of the FTAA dead. The agreement between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and France, the Parties undertake not to apply measures of expropriation or nationalization or other strip that effectively, directly or indirectly, nationals or companies of another Party in the territory and in the maritime area. The agreement with Canada also prohibits Venezuela to nationalize, expropriate or subject to equivalent measures of Canadian investment. All disputes subject matter to ICSID. I reiterate that while we maintain these standards against the sovereignty and ratify the judges that support, we can say goodbye to the XXI century socialism: we can not even perform basic expropriation as those at the time did make the Fourth Republic. The only power of the Venezuelan state would take care of foreign interests who exploit us.

If you want the sovereign actions required to build socialism Venezuela are nullified by foreign judges or arbitrators, we 1) reformed Law on the Promotion and Protection of Investment, Article 22 of the Republic unconstitutionally subjected them , 2) terminate the Promotion and Protection Agreements Investment containing similar clauses 3) retire Rules, which only requires six months notice 4) enacted laws that criminalize and do respond with their heritage to officials unconstitutionally clauses sign waivers of immunity from jurisdiction.

Until we do, the fate of Venezuela and its revolution depend on foreign arbitrators subsidiary of the World Bank and transnational law firms.

PD: I have a week without being able to connect to the Internet using that payment ABA CANTV.


Cited before you all, resolutely and deny any guilt in advance, what happens is I do not know anything about business. I found myself wondering how a career and lo! Unexpectedly Mister Godwin appears to me and I offered to finance the election campaign for President, I ask, and if we lose, then I do not clarify matters, the other candidates' campaign finances also Mr. Godwin. Elevated to this highest office by the will of the people, the day of the inauguration Mr. Godwin appears to me and asks me what I do with large deposits of the Republic, and I know what I can answer, Mr. Godwin, but I do not know anything business. He says Mr. Godwin, never mind, I was exploited, but yes, of course, would be good for reasons inherent in the development you provide me the necessary credits without interests in the Plan for the Promotion of Industry and other things that you will ride away although he does not know anything about business. But where I get money to give me credit, Mr. Godwin, I ask, and answer me, never mind, I will lend it, but relevant interests for a developing country. Accept accept Alegrísimamente say, oh, but Mr. Godwin puts a sad face, I said that I do not understand, which is not so easy, that nothing can be if not created the climate for investment, ie tax breaks, ie, prisons, ie tanks, ie planes, ie, submarines, ie informers General ie with medals and stuff

and I say, but all that will come out expensive, Mr. Godwin, but he immediately and has the solution, and I run with all expenses, and how, I say I do not know anything about business, and says Mr. Godwin, I sell a surplus of those things, but how real the commitments, easily, I say, I they are willing, but with appropriate interest.

course, such sales deserve special favors and tax exemptions on import tariffs and free admission for all the things that comes to sell Mr. Godwin, and yet, poor Mr. Godwin, at the end of the year there is nothing to charge tax to their businesses because they will sell the material of the sites below cost at the same Mister Godwin, and thus to avoid bankruptcy, more sales, more exemptions, more credits, more confidence to investors and to pay all that raising taxes and selling land to foreigners lakes hills houses men children heavens rivers seas fish water air forest birds and rocks are declared hunger and plague and the people protest and there is hubbub and the revolution, and brought before the high court how I can explain, how I can convince them that there has been a matter of malice, that happens, just do not know anything about business.

( Rajatabla, 1971)

French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée:

Luis Britto Books online:


Luis Britto Books Internet:

media dictatorship in Venezuela:

peace with Colombia:

Thursday, January 27, 2011



today's entry is not about natural remedies or herbal medicine, as usual, but I think that either is beyond the scope of this blog. Think critically and free is a good way to mental health. Noam Chomsky, linguist and world-renowned political analyst, is for me a "physician conscience" .

I leave this interesting text of this brave and brilliant researcher, one of the few free thinkers left. If you read carefully this analysis comprobaréis as has "predicted" what is happening today almost point by point. Leo

Chomsky for years and I can assure you is a breath of fresh air in these times of social manipulation. Noam Chomsky developed this list of "10 Strategies Manipulation through media. Read them carefully, I think they are a good "natural medicine" to immunize the mind of coercion and mediocrity.



media manipulation strategies, social and economic .

1. The strategy of distraction.

The key element of social control is the strategy of distraction that is diverting public attention from important issues and changes determined by political and economic elites, by the technique of continuous deluge or flood of distractions and irrelevant information.

distraction strategy is also essential to keep the public interested in the essential knowledge in the area of \u200b\u200bscience, economics, psychology, neurobiology and
cybernetics. "Maintaining public attention diverted away from the real social problems, captivated by issues of no real importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy, no time to think (quote text" Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ")

2. Create problems and then offer solutions.

This method is also called "problem -> reaction -> solution."

a problem is created, a "situation" provided to cause a reaction in the audience, so this is the complainant of the action you want to accept. For example: let it unfold and intensify urban violence, or arrange for bloody attacks, so that the public is the applicant's security laws and policies to the detriment of freedom.

Or: create an economic crisis to gain acceptance as a necessary evil retreat of social rights and the dismantling of public services.

3. The strategy of gradualism.

To make it accept an unacceptable degree, just apply it gradually, in dribs and drabs, for consecutive years. That is how they radically new socioeconomic conditions (neoliberalism) were imposed during the 1980 and 1990.

minimal state, privatization, job insecurity, job flexibility, mass unemployment, wages and do not guarantee a decent income. We dream, right?, Many changes have caused a revolution if they had been applied only once and not gradually as has been done.

4. different strategy.

Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary", gaining public acceptance at the time, for future application. It is easier to accept a future sacrifice a slaughter.

- First, because the effort is not used immediately.

- Second, because the public, mass, always has the tendency to expect naively that "it gets even better tomorrow" and that the sacrifice required may be avoided.

This gives citizens more time to get used to the idea of \u200b\u200bchange and accept it with resignation when the time comes.

5. Address the public as little child.

Most advertising uses for the general public discourse, argument, people and particularly children's intonation, often close to the weakness, as if the viewer were a little child or a mentally deficient.

harder one tries to seek to deceive the viewer, the more it tends to take a childish tone. Why? - "If you target a person as if she had 12 years or less, then, due to suggestibility, it will tend, with some probability, a child response or reaction and devoid of critical sense of an adult.

6. Using the more emotional than reflection.

Make use of the emotion is a classic technique to cause a short on rational analysis, and finally neutralize the critical sense of the individual.

Moreover, the use of emotional register opens the door to the unconscious or grafted to implement ideas, desires, fears and doubts, compulsions, or to induce certain behaviors.

7. Keep people in ignorance and mediocrity.

Making the public is incapable of understanding the technologies and methods used to control and enslavement.

"The quality of education given to the lower social classes must be the poor and mediocre as possible so that the distance between them and the upper classes remain unchanged over time and it is impossible to achieve genuine equality of opportunity for everyone. "

8. Encourage the public to be complacent with mediocrity.

Promote the public to believe that it is fashionable being vulgar and uneducated, poorly spoken, an admirer of people without any talent, to despise the intellectual, exaggerate the value of body worship and contempt for the spirit ...

9. Reinforce self-blame.

to convince the individual that he is guilty only of his own misfortune, because of the failure of their intelligence, their abilities, or their efforts.

So, instead of rebelling against the social and economic system, the individual evaluates himself, blame themselves, creating a depression, one of whose effects is to inhibit its action.

And without action, no reaction or revolution.

10. Individuals know best what they themselves known.

Over the past 50 years, rapid advances in science have generated a growing gap between public knowledge and knowledge possessed and used by the dominant éites.
Thanks to biology, neurobiology and applied psychology, the "system" has enjoyed a sophisticated understanding of human beings, both physically and psychologically. The "system" has gotten better known to the common person than he knows himself.
This means that, in most cases, the system exerts greater control and a great power over individuals, greater than that of individuals about themselves.
Noam Chomsky - Alternative Visions

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Stonewall Kitchen Recipes

fleas on pets.

natural medicine can be very useful in the care of pet diseases. Natural remedies can facilitate and complement conventional veterinary care and in many cases cure your pet and prevent many ailments. Fleas are the major concern of the owners of dogs and cats. Is it possible to prevent and combat natural remedies? The answer is yes.
Fleas can cause anemia and transmit disease and parasites. There are some home remedies to control fleas naturally:
Flea Treatment : Mix 80 ml of alcohol at 70 ° with 5 ml of essential oil of tea tree in 15 ml of distilled water. Place in a large spray bottle and spray the dog's coat especially after regular bathing. No rinsing or drying. This action outside the home.

Teloscope From Borne Ultimatum


Metropolitan Mayor Jorge Rodriguez closing the casino of La Candelaria. That someone
weeks after it was reopened. What if Casino kills
Metropolitan Mayor, soon kill the President.
That the Criminal Code in Article 532 criminalizes the game of chance, wager or gambling site open to the public as misdemeanor punishable with up to two months detention and confiscation of money and articles for the purpose. That
publications Colombian paramilitaries and narcos certify that funds washed through "games of chance (chance and casinos)" in neighboring countries (El 07/02/2005).
Even as the capitals of these kittens come from the offense, their clients are systematically assaulted and kidnapped by gangs who prey on their victims on the premises ( Guide, 18.01.2011). That even veteran players
avoid such dens by "size, ventilation (cigarette smoke affects me a lot) the number of tables and bad past experiences, either by cheating or bad receive treatment from a manager or owner" ( , 01/07/2008). That
tourism minister Pedro Morejon certifies that there is systematic cheating when he reports that in one casino raided were located underground "non-permissive 1,300 machines, and additionally we discovered a sort of workshop where these teams are rebuilding betting with coins, apparently to modify its functioning and defraud gamblers. He reported that he found a communications center through which is controlled gambling operation of these machines "(VTV, 29/07/2009). That the report
Hermes García deputy to the National Assembly in 2006 on the corruption of the casinos reveals that "According to studies by researchers from prestigious universities and research centers in Britain, Spain and the United States, the proliferation of this is causing serious social problems such as family breakdown, decreased student achievement and employment, divorce and even suicide. "
That same report states that according to International Gaming Holding Company, in Venezuela the illegal gambling outweigh the 80% legal.
That the director of an interviewer who asks me to reserve your name verified that the less favored strata lost 30% of their income on gambling.
Supplies and holds that popular sectors are littered with slot machines, teaching children to play sent the money and expect to get rich risking alien.
That the scourge of gambling dens, casinos, gambling dens, slot machines and lotteries are bankrupt together new forms of international lotteries and online gambling.
that Venezuela has more casinos than public universities.
That the pretext that the kittens create jobs is inadmissible because it also would legitimate contract killings, drug trafficking and human trafficking.
instead, operate and fire employees regularly to prevent accumulation of labor rights. That as
example of such abuse to the National Assembly Deputy Marcela Maspero and Jose Antonio Garcia, the coordination of the National Union of Workers (UNT) report that the "Grand Casino Puerto La Cruz" will "refuse to give receipts to workers pay no holiday as provided by law, but canceled it as a normal working day, has not enrolled their workers or social insurance or the Housing Policy Act and does not cancel the ticket to personal basket again among others. " The dictator Fulgencio Batista thought it was a big deal to give the mafia Cuba casineros of Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky and they all ended up losing everything.
Cuba and Ecuador, flagship of the ALBA countries shut down their casinos.
That representatives of the Supreme Court and Commission of National Assembly Casinos meet from 11 January to consider the legality of casinos that are all illegal. To legitimize the illegitimate
is illegitimate.
to raise the gambler, the crook, the trickster and the parachute is placed beneath them.
What infamy will forever be associated with the name of who becomes the trácala, the cards, roulette, the casino, the Martingale, the little machine, the die, the narcolavado and bribery in the way of life of Venezuela.
That is easy to turn a country into one big casino, but difficult to convert a casino in a great country.
That if elected authority gambler kills, kills Revolution.
That the revolution is at stake.

Horse riding swords and cups and gold horse and riding clubs, and, in the center of the cross swords again horse, which reveals the trap deck .
They nailed him on it a stab.
( Abrapalabra , 1979)
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée http:/ / Luis Britto
Books online:
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela:
peace with Colombia: www

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Braum's Fruit And Yogurt Swirl


Formerly battleships needed invulnerable empires and huge armies to block a country. Today
them just one officer and one judge who does not believe in the sovereignty of their homeland.
The judicial coup against Venezuela began to demand of 12,000 million dollars from Exxon in foreign jurisdictions.
Now is reactive with the rejection by the Court of Appeals United States Venezuela appeal against the tax of 8,000 million dollars for investors Bandagro. To those frivolous lawsuits
added another for 1,400 million dollars filed by Cemex, which aims to determine the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), an agency of the World Bank.
and to these are added those who are to engage Conoco, Gold Reserve and Intesa, also by excessive amounts, also against foreign bodies that decide not respect our Constitution and our laws.
As foreclosure to satisfy claims are made by the two or more of the defendant, represent only the first three liens against Venezuela by 42,800 million dollars.
How our country has fallen into a situation in which a Venezuelan official and a judge can infer irreparable damage roughly equivalent to the loss of our reserves?
With Independence, Venezuela won the sovereign immunity from jurisdiction, which is the right and duty to resolve issues of public interest in its own courts and according to their own laws.
This principle is explicitly included in our constitution since 1893. Under the Charter of Rights and Duties of States adopted by the General Assembly UN on December 12, 1974 "2 .- A State is entitled to: a) To regulate and exercise authority over foreign investment within its national jurisdiction in accordance with its laws and regulations and in accordance with its objectives and priorities . No State shall be compelled to grant preferential treatment to foreign investment, b) regulate and supervise the activities of transnational corporations within its national jurisdiction and take measures to ensure that such activities comply with its laws, regulations and provisions and agree with their economic and social policies. "
And according to Article 35 of the "Protocol Cartagena de Indias ", which amends the Charter of the OAS," Transnational corporations and foreign private investment are subject to the laws and jurisdiction of the competent national courts of the host countries and international treaties and agreements in which they are parties also must comply with terms of development of recipient countries. " The present Constitution enshrines
jurisdictional immunity in Article 1 of its fundamental principles according to which "are inalienable rights of the nation's independence, freedom, sovereignty, immunity, territorial integrity and self-determination national. " And Article 151 mandates that "The contracts of public interest, if not inappropriate according to the nature thereof, shall be deemed included even if not expressed, a clause that the doubts and controversies that may arise from such contracts and which can not be resolved amicably by the contracting parties shall be decided by the competent courts of the Republic, in accordance with its laws, without which no reason or cause may give rise to foreign claims. " But in our country
officials circumventing the Constitution included in the contracts of public interest clauses submission to foreign courts and sentencing judges who do not know that Venezuela has no immunity from jurisdiction.
Without these officers and magistrates unconditional interest of transnational corporations, or Exxon, or bond holders Bandagro or Cemex, or Conoco or Gold Reserve, or Maxipista or Intesa or any other foreign company may claim to condemn Venezuela in Abroad, then to operate in our country are subject to the Constitution and the laws of Venezuela.
Nothing can our government officials and judges whether it subject to foreign courts, the Constitution and laws are worthless if reviewers or foreign court conviction violates us.
The submission of disputes public interest of developing countries to judges or arbitrators in developed countries was the masterstroke of the FTAA, in which it reserved the right to cancel foreign judgments and awards by acts of Congress and executives in defense of national interest. But the FTAA dead
continues to exercise judicial dictatorship in our countries through treaties or domestic laws to protect and promote investments and acts of surrender of sovereignty to transnational corporations by the widows of the FTAA, national officials and judges.
This policy means the end of the XXI century socialism, "because it can not perform the necessary expropriations, if each and every one of them and the amount of compensation subject to the approval of a World Bank body. Let us add that the ICSID
decide regardless constitutions or local laws, which decided 232 cases only 2 against the TNCs, and that compensates them, not only the price of the expropriated property, but also the expected profit for the multinational .
What if the oil companies decide who expropriated in 1976 to sue foreign arbitrators give back our oil industry, but the expected benefit today?
Submit to Venezuela to ICSID arbitrators or the courts and foreigners is like an African-American subject to a court the Ku Klux Klan.
To deal with the judicial coup, banning alleged legislate exceptions to Article 151 of the Constitution, repeal existing laws and treaties for the promotion and protection of investments, without officials and judges unworthy, let us respond with its heritage of foreign claims against Venezuela that favor, accompanied Ecuador and Bolivia in its withdrawal from ICSID, for which only requires six months' notice.
judicial coup warned not kill the country. But destroys not careful.

PD: applaud the authorities to again close the infamous Casino de la Candelaria, we expect this time for good, and that the measure be extended to other dens in the country.


Doña Doñana, the ship that you Trux you misplaced. Dejástenos a clog, a scented water, a variety of pearl lady very principal, an illuminated missal and a memory. We crossed the face of those who have seen you lied to the girls of the treatment were the soldiers of Frederiman by a trail of Indians beheaded. A brother I said and poured the legend of a visit by the Queen of Heaven. I deemed captive to lust pierced nose of a barbarian. I swore by it to submit four kingdoms Indians and make them your feet. If it was not me who has won Pablillo the deck guns and doublet and I have no Paresce, although the manner of fijosdalgo. I saw that mop in the Convent of the disease Arrepentidas and bad and ugly descent into public charity in the town of San Miguel de los Angeles de Acataurima. Over one hundred sonnets you spent while doing exams for the post of shyster, to excuse vile mechanical art, before fleeing on horseback from negraje that rose in the mines and keep me a prisoner of the caribys which resulted in no cacique blues kill me for listening to my lute. Doña Doñana, I heard from you that you were with the spirits of the forest! Begging I got those brutal people I cede from tribe to tribe, as the wind and the tenor of the stories of the young men who claimed to have seen in the delirium of the initiation or the flight of the doves! I followed the scent of flowers and musk animals and the whine of the flutes of clay that contained frogs, until the medicine man began to fear me for my rantings and lute made chips and walked through the woods the beasts away with the sound of the bone flute! She carved figures of a man and a woman who turned their backs. I asked for alms at the gates of the town of Tocuyo until they threatened me with hot irons and threw me out of the lands Rogues had shared. Your hair was picking them one at a busy sidewalk in vain. Sometimes the spiders wove. At the roadside I've found, Doña Doñana, a boorish old and toothless, sooty smoke from the wood ash in rags. I still see enough to pick corn, which grows anywhere.
( Abrapalabra , 1979)
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée: Books Luis Britto on the Internet:
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela:
peace with Colombia:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Explicitmoviescenes Blog

· Amplifier noise that allows to know what others think of us and enables them to know what to think about them.

• Treatment of botox, which paralyzes the tongue.

· Document of identity rather than have the serial number of IQ.

· GPS that tracks currency and find out exactly where our taxes go.

• Program that enables computer lovers will look like in forty years.

· Paper to give appointments to disintegrate as soon as you print the name of an incompetent.

· Authorize to reopen casinos closed by a governor.

· Speaker given to a jerk.

· Authorization to invent unnecessary steps given to a bureaucrat.

• Program that calculates how much corruption will increase each new process to be renewed indefinitely.

• Program that calculates how much lower the vote each new process to be renewed indefinitely.

· Clock that marks the exact moment of our death with the aggravation that we will never know if it really works.

° Lamp magic meets only the desires that we no longer want.

· Printer politicians that marks the expiration date.
· detector Consecrated Cocky and mediocrities.

· Restrictions with the Devil in which we give the devil the right to appoint a judge who will sentence the disagreements on the pact.

· Restrictions with which transnational crime yield to the right to appoint the judge will sentence the disagreements on the pact.

· judge ruling that our disputes with the devil decide the judge appointed by the Devil.

· court that he raises the salary and sentence will not pay tax on the increase.

· Treaty in which foreign and transnational agree to the privilege of not paying taxes in our country and we promise to fill the fiscal gap they leave behind.

· Office bureaucracy that serves only to citizens with web page that never opened.

· Vote citizen after he tried unsuccessfully to communicate with web page opens office never bureaucratic.

· motorcycle instead of title to bring permission to violate any laws.

· Office responsible for enforcing the law to the media never applies the law.

· Wedge denouncing speculators without remembering that the government has powers to rein in speculators.

· Card certifying that a militant of several parties at once.

· Card certifying that you are a citizen of several countries simultaneously.

· borders rubber leaves come and go throughout the world.
· System does not teach geography, history and civics.

· Political movement that includes political enemies.

• Program computer so as to reveal how much we're looking to our enemies.

· Jib to sign agreements of public debt.

· detector that allows to know if the ladies who say not actually say Yes

· detector that allows to know if the politicians actually say say Yes No.

· Tickets dynamic ink their names down as devalued.

· System consists of monetary and fiscal units that automatically increases your income citizens as the currency loses value.

transparent Safety box that allows people to read the files of the repressive forces.

· detector false excuses impossible existence.

· Portrait of Dorian Gray in which the aging is not the portrait.

· Responding disguised as a revolutionary.

· Classifications of moments reveals how much time we lost repeating nonsense. • Analyze statistical

verifying how many votes each bureaucrat killed daily.

· Calculator that shows exactly how much oil is left in the world and how long the current rate of consumption.
· Ray invisible
Cosmetics that reveals how the ladies are true.

· Mirror magic that just tells the truth.

· Gifts that consist of the same gift they gave us, so we were all Kings Day tables.


-Citizens Members agree please raise your arm with the usual signal.
usual signal. Seriously look into the future. Dad and I preached it to my son. A life of honesty. Or bullshit. Now do not say that one is honest but stupid. But man, Ugarte, with your skills. So when I say that I have. But man, Ugarte, with your opportunities. So when I say that I am not an opportunist. But man, if your talent. How to explain that I have. Note, the outstanding foreign investors, and banking. I tell you how I'm not banking. On this subject has moved far the embassy. I'm not an ambassador. Today is the thing, Ugarte, do not miss that every vote counts. I do not count. Anyway, Ugarte, remember that with one word, with a gesture, we do a big favor. I do not do favors. Good guy but this attracts investment. I'm not an investor. What are the economic sectors. I'm not economical. But is the party boy, no discipline, no game. I do not got the game for this. Damn, Ugarte, how convenient it is to be idealistic, not understanding the situation. I do not understand. You have to understand Ugarte, is stability, is the strength of institutions. I'm not an institution. Ugarte realize we can lose what we gained. I have not won. Look, Ugarte, is that even the situation is examined in some sectors of the military. I'm not military. You're not going to chant that shit in the pamphleteers of the country sold. I do not core. Is that yours is secured voting majority. I do not need a majority. Ugarte look to go with these pods lost the house because you could not pay the mortgage. That I have only what I can afford. Think about your boy, Ugarte. That how I explain that what I think is less than the lad. Let me tell how they left school saying that he did not want to learn from a thief. And a boy who goes sour. That tells me that if I continue to believe in bullshit. That goes as dead. I can not give what to believe. I have to give a living. That every time my wife asked me answers I do not know. I do not know. That why I've taken so many years without knowing. You how to raise their hands for this shit. We all know that is a crap. They all pretend not to notice that now the party is discredited. Everyone pretends not to realize that now is over. How good Ugarte, we count on you. What the hell, Ugarte, 're not going to let us jodamos. What the fuck, brother, do not fail us. You know, Ugarte, is from above that this thing is approved. You start counting votes. My arm up in the usual signal.
( The fugitives , 1964)
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée: http://luisbrittogarcia-fr . Luis Britto
Books online:
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela:
peace with Colombia:

Og Mudbone Is Not Dead

prevent stretch marks.

The aloe vera plant is truly extraordinary. I leave this recipe for aloe vera to treat and prevent stretch marks:
4 capsules of vitamin A (sold in pharmacies and health food stores)
½ cup virgin olive oil
¼ cup of aloe vera (the jelly from inside the leaf or latex green)
6 capsules of vitamin E (sold in pharmacies and health food stores)
Mix ingredients well in blender. Then the mixture is poured into a jar and stored in the refrigerator.
Apply once daily in the abdomen and / or in places where they go. If it is constant and is applied every day is possible to avoid them to make their appearance. You can apply cocoa butter cream or cream elastin to enhance anti-stretch effects, especially during pregnancy or if you are following a diet.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Can You Use Canesten While Breastfeeding


talanquera To assemble, all you need to know where. The party statutes require without exception that people pursue happiness. Some dare to add that everyone will get it without taking away anyone. Others go so far as to claim that neither the one nor the other, but quite the opposite. Those who dare to suggest concrete actions are generally outlawed. To skip a talanquera must be in one of its sides. But as defined conceptual boundaries of Talanquera should be rubber. A barrier should separate different areas. The mixed talanquera there.
Talanquera should have firmly. That is, if you plan to keep militants jumping, you should avoid Talanquera brinconas. Revolutionary organizations were baptized ended imposing neoliberal package. Ultras defined movements of troops ended Fedecámaras shock. Acrobats and parapets usually jump to the right, and try to exterminate those who do not jump with them. In the sixties and seventies mass graves and ended TMOs filled adecos who believed that his party was anti-imperialist. Before putting barriers to peers should be fixed traffic lights, cops lying and speed limits to Talanquera reckless speed through the streets of the lack of blind ideology.
Set the height of the barrier is to estimate the militant. The Bolsheviks were required to ideology, discipline, commitment, steadfastness under persecution. Few were enrolled, but 15,000 were enough to take power in Russia. When they lost, most of the game was made by retirees and housewives. Talanquera that lets everyone also leaves them all out.
Locking suspect someone is change. Who fears mounted talanquera tumbling. The question is offensive. In the last decade changed legions complete T-shirt. Try the reader to remember one remarkable in itself. Judas is not notable for what it is, but what fails. Who want to treason, which amounts to no ideology, work and career. Broken tooth and broken beats are the perfect jumping. Bate broken tooth broken and spent from the right while always being there. They are responsible for the promotion of casinos, legislation to privatize the water and to submit statements to Venezuela to foreign courts. Upon the sale have nothing to lose, who buys nothing gained. His only son compass is being touched. His eternal position is where Haig. The fault is not jumping, but who gives the pole. Name annulments, reap betrayals.
not confuse ideological position with hormonal dysfunction. It tends to lose the prostate and ideals at the same time. Ideology and down rhythmically libido. A computer program projecting from the photo of a young geezer looks to be in forty years. None predicted from current ideological picture Picture of Dorian Grey that could become the Andropause. Experience shows that the most loudmouthed be the first to go to the enemy. Losing ideology nothing left of it, except the hype. None of those who jumped from the UCR has come to nothing. Followed neither left nor right accepted them. If you need to lock up someone to accompany you, I never was with you. The high jump is of why health function. A talanquera not to be made to retain annulments.
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée:
Luis Britto books on the Internet:
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela:
peace with Colombia:


never answered invitations of alleged old classmates invited me to meet in social networks. Yet retain a memory. For example, I drew attention in the crime reports the name of some Pérez, Antenor, killed by kicking. It sounded too much like the classmate who by dint of repeating sixth grade three quarters was higher than everyone and revenge on those promoted to slaps. Time after a weekend counting red appeared as victims finalized with incisions repeated calls as his bodyguards, Montero, Jose, punching a fan with a compass, and Acosta, Antonio, as the sharp pencil. The destination, which is the only anarchist, took order and meaning when Marquez, Robert, the class snitch, appeared in the news reporting that the body had been found dead language. For some time we assessed the identity of the remains found in a sewer. I was not surprised that they were the Solórzano, Ramon, who on turning the professor was happy taking off their noses and pulling pean. More different was my recollection of Szilahy, Sandor, the chubby starched overalls combed thoroughly perfumed ointment that brought them to school by car with driver and opened to take notes a gold Parker. It did not seem credible that he had choked swallowing some pairs of diamonds. At this point I felt unlikely that the mere chance as bloody final distribution to the small group that had shared the naivete of that school in the form of liner. I found it much more unlikely that derive symmetry Toulouse, Francisco caletrero class, see a mindless morning. So grotesque was finally discovered the body after a long absence from Pimentel, Carlos, the class clown that everyone who watched him made faces, funny faces and average teachers, but warned cruel because despite the false seriousness. Nobody identifies the body appeared faceless, fingerprints, no dental formula, with no visible trace of identity and who recognize no other information as the child unnamed third row whose name, whose face, whose voice, whose gestures no recalls. A vague, no, a poignant memory I have of Subero yes, Teresa, the tiger-eyed blonde who never served to warn that we were all in love with her. I do not want to associate their memories of the horror with which he entertained the chronicle. Since then I began to think it was unusual that so many members of a small sixth-grade class engrosáramos crime statistics. The motive which leads to crime leads to the criminal, but it was questionable whether the victims died for having or not having changed. Also, ponder whether the murderer was a professor sarcastically desperate for change with which he looked at the class or a classmate or humiliated by everyone around now seeking revenge. Time teachers were buried in the cemetery or senility. I am struck now a vague memory of the most repulsive was not the only one who had died in a grotesque way. Surely to locate their victims followed the exterminator the thread banalizante a computer network that promised to re-contact with those whom we had never known. Possibly pulled her the most wretched of classmates, one in whom nobody paid attention, screaming for anyone who could out of its misery. As the repertoire of victims dries up, the Terminator leads the way toward me, the only one capable of evoking the internship in a sixth-grade class thinned and condemns all links. The only able to surmise that the killer is not intended to destroy a few classmates, but while before it has been demolished. If I am not deleted me remove it. I can only surmise that have gone before erasing them from memory and after life to stop time and finally clear the school board to the memory of my actions.
(Text / Illustration LBG)