Friday, December 31, 2010

Balsa Wood Bridge Blue Prints


The kiwi is a source of vitamin C, vitamin E facilitates healing of wounds and strengthens the immune system. It is also a strong source of potassium, which counteracts the high sodium content favoring blood pressure problems. It has very little sugar and provides only 29 calories so it recominedan many physicians weight loss diets. We recommend a piece a day for heartburn that accompanies indigestion. To debug after the holidays I leave these two delicious recipes. Happy 2011 and enjoy!

RECIPE # 1: Kiwi Smoothie to combat stress and constipation.
-1 -1 cup sliced \u200b\u200bstrawberries.
-1 cup soy milk

Peel kiwi and slice strawberries. Place ingredients in a blender with soy milk.
Reduce all ingredients to a puree smooth. Eat at the time to take advantage of the nutritional properties that offer us the kiwi. Take
liquid every day to purify the body from stress and increase vital energy and fight constipation.


2 kiwis.

2 slices of pineapple.

Blend and drink once daily.

Happy 2011 to everyone! Thanks for your previous comments on my blogs that I will gradually responding to and visiting yours as I've had a month of December very, very, very busy.

You can also visit: "Knowing the future." "New Year ... New Life?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

120-55 Queens Blvd Court Dates

opposition victory would be a defeat TO EMBARGO AGAINST THE PEOPLE

Al revolutionary not be even the slightest doubt on the assumption, for he denied - that Chávez be defeated within 2 years, become extinct large projects

Britto García Molina acknowledges that "banditry would be lower if there were strict enforcement of laws (Photo: W. Yustis)
Caracas .- Clearly, Santa Marta is a development traditional middle class so small that the writer Luis Britto García has had many estates are: exactly 140. These stands its own, more the appearance of neglect than anything else. The unpainted walls housed the stains of years in the garden is open the jaws of a dry pool that resembles the inside of a silo eaten by fungi, and the interior of the house the sour smell of moisture in the nose itches . For the corners, in the room on both floors of the house, books, books, books. Referring to his love of fishing, nostalgic confesses: "I'm a sailor desk."
A hammock diagonally across the very broad areas of the room. Sinks into it and the vision of the patriarch reminded garciamarquiano reflecting on the solitude of his palace of illusions.

-Main Venezuela newspapers have opened their front pages in recent days a year, with widespread alarm holders, a kind of paroxysm-editorial on the impending end of democracy. Do you see that?

"The exercise of legislative power by the representatives elected in 2005 can not be the end of democracy, but the exercise thereof.

-democracy opposition does not consider what qualifies as "disrespect" to the powers of the elected National Assembly on 26 September. Argues that the Enabling Act passed shrugged off powers.

"For over half a century to all presidents have been granted special powers and has never said that this is an infringement of democracy and ignore the Constitution.

"But the opposition says and common sense behind it, that such extraordinary powers to the President only to be until January 4, 2011 at 12:00 pm, because until that date is in effect the current National Assembly. Mal can grant powers exceeding the term of their duties.

"That's like every time you hold a National Assembly ceases to hold debates, all laws passed must be rescinded. We must remember that we are governed by laws that are 30 and 40. The Congress which sanctions have been dissolved, and the laws are still valid. That would be tantamount to saying that the 1999 Constitution ceased to have effect because the constituent and dissolved. No joke, boy.

-A this revolution will come new enemies every day. Is it because it misses too much or because they touch powerful interests?

"I'd say each day will leave many friends and just because they touch many interests. For example, when Jorge Rodriguez closed the casino of La Candelaria, was hailed by all Venezuelans honest. When the casino reopened was a mistake in who had been reopened and the repudiation of all Venezuelans honored.

- Where are the thieves over this period? "Associated with the government or the opposition?

"We just see a banditry of large-scale private sector, associated with financial institutions and real estate, but unfortunately it is noted that many of the worst banditry not commit if there is a strict enforcement of laws by authorities.

- The recently deceased historian Manuel Caballero stated that corruption serves to President Chávez to create, thanks to her, a cushion of money that finances the PSUV.

"I doubt it because corrupt money is not given.

"Yes Delivery: Payment of fees for government contracts. So it has been since it was first oil in Venezuela.

"Could be, but the offender receives those commissions are not going to be so honored as to give to a political organization. Remember the saying "vulture watching tummy." These corrupt surely keep the commission and not give anybody anything.

- Why do you think that Chávez, whom many described as verbal incontinent, mentioned so little in his speech the fight against corruption and insecurity?

"I think they mention it. No president who does not continually mention these struggles. What you need to address is real achievements.

- Are there many?

"Well ... ah ... to be believed to poor judgments against corruption, one might think that the corrupt or afraid and reformed, or that the judiciary is leaving many crimes go unpunished.

- Is this the government you dreamed?

"Well ... let's say that was not dreamed in my nightmares but a government that does not privatize the oil industry, education, social security and to beat illiteracy and bring medical care to the majority, is pretty close to what we all dream.

-Washington and the Venezuelan opposition put the outcry that President Chavez would be going from autocracy to dictatorship undisguised. Is it wrong again?

"You should be hoarse after 10 years of shouting things that never happened. I have not seen any autocrat to allow complete freedom of expression, which has no political prisoners and demand which explicitly means killing opponents without any consequences for them.

- So you do not see any rounding to media and no process of self-censorship of them to threats from the government.

"Look, turn on the television, read any newspaper to see how both opponents and people related to the Bolivarian process, criticizing what the government without that bring consequences. The President will appoint the parent usually in the media and that does not carry any penalty.

"The opposition claims that because the tables are not saved President insults against them. What is just is not cheating.

"But the opposition has a media apparatus that meets 90% of the communicative power of the country. Addition derogatory epithets launched against most of the Venezuelan people, as "monkeys", "scum", "hordes", "bi-Presidents" and other adjectives of ethnic and social discrimination, forbidden not only by the Constitution but for decency. The social psychologist Maritza Montero collected over 300 derogatory epithets directed usually by opposition to the Bolivarian, and something like one hundred and fifty epithets directed by Chavez opponents. The situation, then, is not so tables in practice.

"You're a revolutionary. The opposition sneers that fear losing power in 2012.

"I personally I have no power. I have no membership fee or so that I personally would not lose anything, but I believe that the Venezuelan people lose essential things an opposition victory, which would privatize the oil industry, education, social security, clausuraría major health and social programs of the current government.

- Why the government lost the middle class? Is it a fate that revolutions get their rejection? Do I have to recover it at any price?

"I'm not so sure that the government has lost the middle class. On the contrary, by improving living conditions a huge number of Venezuelans who previously were in poverty, is creating a new middle class. Few governments have done so much for it as the Bolivarian: removed the credits indexed to housing would deprive hundreds of thousands of families, enabled the possibility of cars at affordable prices, college tuition increased sixfold. Who has done more?

"The opposition is proud to have on your side most brilliant intellectuals of Venezuela. Is he right?

"To my knowledge, do not belong to the opposition and Nicolas Curiel, nor Roman Chalbaud, or Laura West Indian, or Regulus Perez and Carlos Noguera, and Stefania Mosca, and Ramon Palomares, and Rodolfo Santana, and Fruto Vivas, or Mario Sanoja or Iraida Vargas, and Vladimir Acosta, and Manuel Quintana Castillo, and Luis Alberto Crespo and many other stars of first magnitude. It's a battery that is scary.

"The opposition says the culture of the Bolivarian revolution is exclusive. No dialogue or publish those with adverse political opinion. And states with evidence that this did not occur in the fourth republic, where the left was not discriminated against.

-intellectuals were so little excluded in the fourth republic, which the painter Peter Rojas cut off his hands, the writer Labana Efrain Cordero buried alive and many others were imprisoned or exiled. Hopefully the opposition will never implement a system as open as that ..

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Is A Dental Abscess The Same As A Gum Ulcer


fifteen warships 108 years ago in England, Germany and Italy shelled our coast, demolishing our strengths, landed troops, burned government offices and historical documents and stole up to the bells churches. Charged with cannon alleged debts whose validity and amount, as provided for under our constitution since the nineteenth century, could only be recognized and appreciated by Venezuelan courts and according to our laws. The irreducible Cipriano Castro resisted, and one hundred thousand volunteers offered to defend the immunity of jurisdiction of Venezuela. U.S. mediation reduced the disproportionate representation of 186,400,000 VEB to sixth.
the unfortunate incident of Venezuelans did not learn anything, the multinationals, everything. In violation of our constitution, foreign companies routinely seek to introduce in the public interest contracts clauses that submit disputes arising on these laws, foreign judges and referees. They invariably sentenced for empires: of 232 cases before the International Centre Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), 230 were decided in favor of transnational corporations. When the judge appoints the money, write the sentence.
Thus, in this decade, international arbitrators Venezuela condemned to pay heavy compensation to the transnational Maxipista for failing to reward the administration of the Caracas-La Guaira highway. Venezuela transnational negotiators require compensation to INTESA, whose heart computer sabotage of PDVSA cost us losses of 15,000 million dollars. Compensation claims against foreign arbitrators the Gold Reserve, predator of our gold resources. They also seek three applications in foreign jurisdictions, and Conoco Cemex multinationals. Exxon tried to seize Venezuela's international reserves to cover the results of a bold claim in foreign courts. Trying to strengthen its precautionary measures to pay 12,000 million dollars. Slogan to our staff of international treaties that prohibit the practice. A point we were being blocked, not by battleships, but by foreign arbitrators and judges stateless those unconstitutionally give the irrevocable authority to decide disputes on our contracts in the public interest.

4 December 20 2010 The New York Post reports that the 23 judges of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals refused to discuss Venezuela's right to the Supreme Court of Appeal in U.S. demand for a group of investors from Ohio who claim U.S. $ 8,000 million Bandagro bonds. His lawyer David Richards prepares the embargo Citgo gas stations, three refineries on the Gulf coast and a fleet of PDVSA tankers anchored in Houston. Surely uncorked bottles of champagne Venezuelan judges holding that disputes over our contracts of public interest should be resolved by foreign judges and referees: with its verdicts complacent, Venezuela is once again blocked without foreign troops or warships.
People have the government they deserve, and these attacks they provide. I have repeatedly warned that Venezuela is prepared against a judicial coup. A barrage of frivolous claims against us will be decided by a pack of foreign courts and arbitrators. To ensure payment of U.S. $ 12,000 million sought by the Exxon in its application is still ongoing, and 8,000 million demanded by bondholders Bandagro, and additional billions claiming Cemex and Conoco and Gold Reserve and how much trans-national in the conspiracy, foreign judges ordered the seizure tankers and bulk shipments of oil and Venezuelan purchases abroad. A total sum demanded be added to the interest and legal costs and professional fees. Do not forget, moreover, that to better ensure the embargo payment run on assets worth twice as claimed. Only the demands of investors Exxon and Ohio foreclosures involve accumulated by 40,000 million: the amount of our reserves. Suffice it to infer catastrophic and perhaps irreparable blow to the Venezuelan economy.
In the second phase of the judicial coup, misinterpreting the article 19 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic, which seems to prevail against her human rights treaties, a foreign court depose the President of Venezuela for any alleged violation of those. For this purpose long before the rain demands Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and Inter-American Court of the Organization of American States. At the appropriate time, it pours before the Hague Tribunal and to any other cabal that sits eager to overthrow progressive governments.
grave blow advised not government. To avoid this, in the enabling laws declare void any contract submitted by the interest Venezuela's public laws, arbitrators or foreign judges. Legislate so that neither the twisted interpretation to invent exceptions to Article 151 of the Constitution, nor the immunity from jurisdiction enshrined in Article 5. Follow the example of Ecuador let us withdraw from the ICSID and denounce any treaty unconstitutional attempt to submit to foreign courts. Choose judges who defend our immunity from jurisdiction. The coup alert, the judicial coup has warned too many times.
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée: Books Luis Britto on the Internet:
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela:
peace with Colombia:
(Ilustración. George Grosz)

Impetigo On Babies Butts


Tuesday twelve having waited this concert in the evening I went and found the doors closed Cerradicas on a concert that was actually the day before and already there was not the smell of the cockroach nor paltolevitas mead smell of saliva in the oviducts or

Thursday I had a thought go to the exhibition opens to see Diana unfailingly good to see and think that putting your hand in the suede jacket she was surprised and say but what you do but there was only a jumble of boxes in the back and a weak painter who rode the exposure was for within three days

Monday four went to get my papers in the government office these documents that say who I am what is necessary because even I know and it turns out that was not the day on which the voucher stated another fortnight and how I have been wrong. Sunday

fifteen I went to the airport to meet Perucho returning from Albania to any country of those that give the visa on separate sheets of the passport because if you do not mind you and all afternoon I showered planes until I knew that was already adequately Perucho prisoner for a week or maybe months and it was all we were given the wrong message
Thirty to downtown to see the dentist who clearly - gosh it's true-I did not remember how I had warned that went on vacation and therefore that this tusk tusk Tuesday

two what time I do not see familiar faces and why I was invited to tonight does not look to yesterday's invitation was not you realize how
tickets for Saturday the fifteenth day before the book for pasadomañana my parents came and I was not but the next day after this morning again gone to seek work and do not address it in the evening but the restaurant closed before I arrived and bar not open yet at last I understand things dates elude me dodge me something terrible has happened to me, transfiguration oblivion or death now and for eternity to any type or horasdespués horasantes'll find you lose all or díasdespues díasantes expensive for me anymore costumes voices will be time to memories sites braids eyes or her breasts or morning, afternoon or day hair kisses fingers or week or year nor the century, I banished the side track of the time, I eternoadelanto eternoatraso against the city where things happen, where men who never see and women who never touch it reiterated, cross, drag on their meetings.

(Vela of arms, 1971. Illustration George Grosz)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Alice In Wonderland Male Monologue


Makes a year that God has called you to his side, mother. You remember I moved to the children. My God! You still see young, energetic, devoted entirely to the family and the endless patience you've always had with us, your children. You've always known save to keep the family income without luxuries, but with plenty of love, dedication and commitment. The greatest luxury is Having A had a mother, friend, confidant and healing. I still listen to my heart's humming your song, because you were pure joy and calm, but with no fuss. Such a quiet joy that breathes peace and harmony without pomposity vain. And in my memories "smell" of soap, fresh and clean, because the house was always clean, our bodies ... and our souls. As we miss you, Mother! You won the Christian heaven or Buddhist enlightenment, whatever. They're watching us all with your warm smile that poured so much love. I know we must not have attachments, mother, that clinging is suffering. Buddhism has shown me so. But in my imperfection does not want to let go of this feeling, because pain brings me to you as a human being inimitable. Dad has always been proud of you and will be looking at you with love, holding you in eternity. As you loved you! What has been your best example that there is an indissoluble love between two people. I know. I've seen and experienced. And your love is now ONE. We need you so much ...

Thank you, mother, dear mother remembered. In my prayers asking God to you and Dad veléis for us all.

A kiss infinity.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Vision Kaleidoscope Ms Percent

Wikileaks BRITTO

U.S. authorities kidnap, torture, murder. Governing death camps and genocide. That their embassies spy and destabilize progressive governments. Its wars to plunder resources or strategic areas. That the alleged attacks as a pretext for invoking these are provocations staged by the Americans themselves. All that we know who is not stupid. No. The revelations make Julian Assange in the world's most famous communicator and Wikileaks in the most visited are much more serious, subversive and devastating:

can own a media company without being a communicator, communicator can be owned by a media company. A new means of production, the computer enables the user, such as artisan owns both the tool and the product of their work. Tool and product release is to release the communicator.

2.-BE COMMUNICATOR IS independent of monopolies:
Internet, a new medium is still not entirely monopolized by big business, can transmit information without the stun device cables, agencies, radio and television stations, distributors, cinema exhibition circuits and concessions so far have allowed five oligopolies take over the global information. A computer and a network connection to either allow communicators.


The democratization of the medium the message has become critical. The headlines and speakers of non-information titanic seek in vain to the public, the public keeps track of the disclosure of Wikileaks. Only through the monopoly of communication was the means to prevail in non-advertising messages, entertainment news without content and without information. But now, the infinite multiplication of transmitters allows the receiver to select the message is not redundant, that gives new information, accurate and relevant.

4.-be common is released from ADVERTISERS:

who announces, instructs. The advertisers create federations or closure means. But the advertisement that was financially viable means communicationally eventually make feasible. Information, education and entertainment become waste of advertising: they become advertising. Assange and company show that we can communicate without attacking the receiving end crippling infomercials, the unbearable repetitions, insertions destructive propaganda being carried to the tomb to the mainstream.

5.-be common is released from the Editor:

constitutions and laws enshrine freedom of expression, editors cross out, cut, censored, nests, rename or scrapped. Internet communicator has no other boss that his conscience.


who depends on media, corporations, advertisers or editors, confuse their interests with disclosures, and disclosures made. But the medium is the message.


Nobody believes a word of the parties that the U.S. authorities preach in their wheels releases to journalists who have never had contact with a fact. The revelations are believed because Assange consistent with past and present acts of individuals and institutions to which they relate.

be common 8.-To distinguish between fact and opinion:

Assange transmitted, the public does not force its views on the meaning or authenticity of the material. It is possible that security agencies have been planted pieces of black propaganda, lies, counter-information. The opinion of a U.S. diplomat or an officer is often not the truth, quite the contrary. It would also explain why among so many leaks, they relate to Israel. But the raw material is smart trial basis. Making these critical it is for the receiver. With the Internet the trial of the people again to be sovereign.


If disclose facts can be considered a crime, conceal crimes is becoming an accomplice.


All police officers and judges of the West pursuing Julian Assange two consensual relationships. For the same crime could be put behind bars for humanity. That Let him who is without sin throw the first condom Why nobody raises a finger against the criminal complaint? Why the French government announced measures to control the Internet to the discretion of the Executive? When you see burn the beard of your community, you do not lie.
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée:
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela:
peace with Colombia:

Hammerhead Go Kart Rev Limiter


"Reversing half a millennium of discrimination would be a miracle"
Mildred Pineda interview published in the newspaper THE VOICE
12.12.2010, p.7.
A Through his work, the historian and writer identifies poverty as an evil legacy from the Conquest, by social inequalities, but bet on the current efforts to reduce and eradicate government

1) What does this prize for you in his literary career and for the letters in Venezuela?
"For me, the pleasure of being in a group which include, among by Mario Benedetti, architect Niemeyer, theologian Frei Beto, Jorge Sanjinés filmmaker, singer-songwriter Silvio Rodriguez. It is a challenge to beat. On the significance to the lyrics of Venezuela, wait for others opinion.

2) The award was conferred by all of his work. We know that every book is a child, a creation, but if I had to recommend "The three essential" Britto García. What do you say?
- Rajatabla, Abrapalabra, The Imaginary orgy. And like the three musketeers are always four, add Pirate compendium of all marine life and underwater exploration.

3) What issues reflects their literature today?
"I'm working for decades in a vision of the integration of culture in Venezuela. Also, on the Identity of Venezuela. I have another book ready for the final stage of filibustering, Pirates libertarians. I go on a novel about artificial intelligence, and an ultra-short-story project. Conclude the second volume of my study Thought for the Liberation . A year ago I gave to Roman Chalbaud a script about Cipriano Castro and the blockade of England, Germany and Italy against Venezuela, project is still awaiting the necessary resources.

4) Is there any genre you feel most comfortable writing: Narrative, Essay Writing for Film, Drama?
"I've always detested the gender division, because they put the building into compartments in the same way in which society divides human beings into classes. The creative act was complete native societies, a social ceremony that included dance, dress, decor, poetry, music and architecture. I try to recapture some of that whole dealing with an issue from the perspective of various genres. At the same time, break the rules of each and every one of the practical. My novel Pirate, for example, is the fictional version of two works of historical research, the Sea Devils and Gentlemen of the Caribbean: Indians, conquistadors and colonial pirates at sea. I write a treatise on the Utopias, but I enjoyed them much more narrative treatment and utopias utopian The imaginary orgy. The most desperate in alienated labor is being forced to do the same thing, try to stay at least constantly varying alienated possible genre, from fiction to screenplay, from the theater to discourse analysis and even opinion journalism and cartoons and comics and opera. I greatly enjoy writing fiction, I write poetry but I
published online. Except El Tirano Aguirre or the conquest of the Golden and salsa Opera: Give it dough, which are written in verse.

5) Is reading more in Venezuela?
"I think so. The victory over illiteracy must become grave of literary illiteracy. However, the reading public is still limited, and no easy task build a distribution network to facilitate availability of the books. But we must recognize that many are edited, and affordable prices. Are also enabling computer networks. Many of my books are online, and since last week I'm publishing a selection of literary works
my and The friend Romain Vallée these texts translated into French in We'll see if some publisher undertook the republication of my print works, which are most of my 65 titles.

6) In literature and journalism, some place it as a committed intellectual. What is committed today?
"Every intellectual is committed, it happens that some have
ashamed to confess what they support. We have seen those who yesterday said people in the ivory tower parade for employers to impose a fascist dictatorship. I'm not committed either with men or with parties, but an ideology. Support with all my strength to those who move toward socialism and humanism. I disagree with those who preach racial discrimination, economic and social development. I've always said that ideology is independent of talent, but talent is not a lie becomes truth.

7) It is said that literature is a pleasure, but also a hard job because it requires discipline. "This is a basic quality to this art?
-writers say they suffer much writing, but do not explain why they still do. Creating is the greatest pleasure either work or create other human beings. That is not done without effort, without effort, without perseverance. Picasso said he did not know if the inspiration was, but when it arrived I had to find work. In my case, it was a doubleheader. The lawyer and professor Luis Britto has had to work hard to keep the writer Luis Britto, and that continues.

8) With the new communication apparatus of state and private sector. Is the cultural information news?
-culture and cultural information are paramount, but I see that occupy a modest place within the communication devices. Gone were most of the papers cultural and literary supplements of the private sector, which dominates but about ninety of the media of all kinds. The State has several cultural publications circulating newspaper inserts bodies still a minority movement, a television program and now an emerging literature review. Its fundamental weakness is that it has failed to articulate mass distribution networks. The distribution of the press depends on
a complex articulation of private interests who do not wish for anything the state competition. The same happens with the private libraries. The road to a readership and sharing of culture is hard. I think the mass literacy has opened a highway to cross it.

9) You are a connoisseur of the country's reality. How is Venezuela at the end of 2010? (In the political and economic)
"For over a decade of democracy has been maintained, with unprecedented levels of freedom in Venezuela. Low extreme poverty from 42.5% in 1995 to 9.4% in 2007 and 50.4% relative to 33.7%, life expectancy stands at 73.18 years, we are the country with the lowest rate of inequality Latin American capitalism, and the Human Development Index of United Nations in 1998 we stood at 0.691, for 2007 we raised the High Range of the Human Development
0.878. Missions have been literate, cured and fed huge contingent of Venezuelans. The crisis of capitalism hits our mixed system, but with much lesser intensity than other countries.

10) In recent days, many people have lost their homes by flooding. This shows that poverty is still pending. Is this scourge will arrangement within the Socialism?
The loss of homes by the flooding is not in itself a proof of poverty: in the landslide Vargas disappeared many mansions. Too many middle-income people have lost hope of living another catastrophe caused by very different criminal rapacity of the financiers who gave their savings. But the poverty that we inherited from
order since the Conquest is based on inequality still persists in part. In ten years to reverse the result of half a millennium of discrimination would be a miracle. But according to the figures you quoted, poverty reduction has been dramatic, and hopefully disappear.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Disadvantage Of Air Cooled Heat Exchanger


On Tuesday December 21 at 20:00 h, will be the presentation of my latest book: "Sex ... naturally!" in "El Corte Inglés" of Vigo (Field of Culture, 7 th floor). We will meet the actress and presenter Silvia Fominaya, prologue of the book, the publisher Carlos Fernández and the author himself. You are all invited. The economic benefits of copyright in the work and 5% of the editorial have been donated in full to a proposed treatment of childhood malaria in the world through "Doctors Without Borders . The entire sale will help defray publishing 12,000 treatments against this devastating disease every 42 seconds kills a child.

My dear friends, this weekend will reply to your comments on my posts one by one and write the New entries on Sunday:

I have written many reviews, but my professional commitments have kept me away from "virtual" world. Thank you for your understanding. I'll answer this weekend everyone. .

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

How To Make Coffee In Ifb Microwave

Unipolar, neoliberal, imperialist, announce think tanks will be the "New American Century." United States sets the total looting of the world's hydrocarbon reserves and the confiscation of Latin America as a free trade zone through the FTAA, and intensified its military presence in Latin America through Plan Colombia. Since last year, Hugo Chávez Frías strengthens and urged OPEC members to respect production quotas, and perform and win the referendum on the re-legitimization of power. With the excuse of suspected attack on the Twin Towers, the U.S. invades Afghanistan. Begins a sharp rise in oil prices. Start the fall of capitalism to financial fraud as hell. Collapsing political system with fraudulent northern elections devoted to George Bush. Collapses neoliberalism in Argentina. Chávez 49 sanctioned reform laws; Fedecámaras calls replaced by a "transition government."
Strike-outs, and U.S. media on 12 April in Venezuela. The people frustrated by massive unprecedented concentration. Prime fiasco in the plan to plunder the world's oil: Bankruptcy media myth of omnipotence. The lack of sanctions opens the way for the union bosses set the closure of companies and the oil sabotage of December.
collapses in March employers plan to give the Venezuelan oil industry to the United States as a consolation prize he immediately invade Iraq. The leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil wins the presidency. Missions tear, unprecedented social programs that expire on illiteracy, expand education, health care lead to poor and break the monopoly of the distribution of food.
Left triumphs with Vazquez in Uruguay. While Latin American integration collapses supervised from Washington, consolidating the South American Community of Nations, with participation of all South American countries, created the ALBA, Brazil emerged as a world power ally Russia, India and China in the BRIC. Canada and the United States forged a military coup that exiled the elected President of Haiti, Jean Bertrand Aristide.
FTAA collapsed and with it the American project of exclusive commercial hegemony in Latin America. Venezuela joins Mercosur. Evo Morales was elected president of Bolivia announces the nationalization of the hydrocarbon industry.
The moderate socialist Michelle Bachelet wins the election in Chile. Leftist Rafael Correa won the elections in Ecuador, after the overthrow of social movements to a succession of presidents unsatisfactory. The Sandinista revolutionary Daniel Ortega won the elections in Nicaragua.
RCTV's license expires, television station that operated as material and intellectual architect of the media coup. At the OPEC summit, Chavez urged the organization to become a political agent and discard the dollar as reference currency for oil.
Capitalism concludes its triumphant march to disaster. One after another major financial houses falling in developed countries. Governments financiers who help the fraudsters with gold jackets that will be borne by the cheated with inflation, rising taxes and debt. Begins a trail of social protests and riots that still continues. U.S. runs from the Manta base attack by Colombian armed forces against Ecuador. Wins the presidency in Paraguay, Fernando Lugo left, who just 61 years of hegemony of right-wing Colorado. The leftist Evo Morales defeat a secessionist attempt of the oligarchy in the rich eastern provinces, and is confirmed in a referendum with a majority of 67%.
The president of General Motors said that what was good for General Motors was good for America. General Motors, Chrysler and the United States break at the same time. Correa closing the U.S. base at Manta. Chavez wins the referendum with 55% allowing indefinite re-election. Americans support the coup that deposed the elected president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya.
U.S. military occupies Haiti and Costa Rica, and announced the installation of two new bases in Panama. To force his stay in power, Uribe offers the United States allow the installation of seven new military bases Colombia. The Supreme Court denied the indefinite reelection of the politician and the installation object bases. Santos's new president overturns the policy of intimidation against Venezuela. The win by wide margin bolivarianismo parliamentary elections. Ecuador withdraws from ICSID. Rafael Correa defeat a coup of American inspiration. The decade can be summarized in a prolonged loss of U.S. hegemony. His political actors are defeated electorally or through revolutionary upheaval around the world, lack of economic, political or diplomatic to prevail, is increasingly turning to the coup of force or overt military intervention. Multipolar, socialist, revolutionary presents the newborn century. Let it continue.

PD: thank colleagues El Nacional, El Universal, El Mundo, La Voz, All In and Caracas CCS interviews during my Alba Cultural Award, or before it.
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée:
Luis Britto books on the Internet:
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela: peace with Colombia:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ap Bio Lab 8 Answers Problems 1-6


Listen to Luis Brito and find out if Simón Bolívar was a socialist . see

Yolanda Ojeda interview , published in THE WORLD on December 7, 2010. pp. 20-21.

Luis Britto García A gigantic is the soul when he speaks of the Liberator Simón Bolívar. Every corner of your living room has a piece of the life of a man, which he said was an advance.

- What rescues the book you thought of Simon Bolivar in the economic area?

-many things. Bolivar, for example, stressed that Spain had reduced us for a long time the role of certain fruit producers and consumers of what we sold the metropolis. That is, know the roots of our economic dependency. He had a keen vision of economic resources. Thus, protectionist decrees issued riverbeds, ordered reforestation and excessive logging ban, enacted measures to increase the number of certain animals prohibited export of others with the same object. Rid of taxes on imports of instruments for the arts and sciences. Made the largest seizure of property that had been made in Latin America with the property of the Crown and the realists, and tried to redistribute land among the soldiers of the Independence, which would have made a major land reform, and attributed the ownership of the subsoil and the Republic mine.

- He was obsessed with the issue of treasury?

"While advancing the independence had to buy weapons and supplies on credit. Bolivar first secured by their own property, then the assets of the Republic. Since it was a very risky investment, borrowers demanded high interest rates and almost abusive conditions. Officials who manage this debt, as the Minister Francisco Zea, and Francisco de Paula Santander itself, apparently profited from it, squandered on wasteful spending and I left the Gran Colombia a cargo of 30 million pounds. In his correspondence, which I quote in the book, says that the debt Bolivar is a chaos of horrors, and their managers write "Cursed Zea! Zea is the instrument of evil." The difference between Santander Liberator Liberator is born when their claims indirectly conduct on the debt. In 1826, Bolívar returned to Venezuela to play in the deck entertainment, fortune favors the Liberator, and collect your winnings, he says, looking at Santander: "At last I got my part of the loan." Santander understood the irony, not ever forgive. Upon leaving office in 1830, Bolivar said that "the debt is the blight of Colombia", ie cancer.

Simón Bolívar "I warned about the tax issue when there was snuff.

"The Captaincy General of Venezuela already had a cumulative fiscal mess, which includes, inter alia, the Report of the file Olavarriaga. With the Patria Boba, according to Bolivar himself criticizes, government revenue is dissipated in myriad, useless or futile, and, also critical, issuing a paper currency without backing it, said the Liberator, the citizens were "more horror than their own tyranny. " During his last stay in Venezuela, the Liberator is desperately trying to arrange the finance. When he arrives, the finance minister resigns. Bolivar says it is impossible to manage a system where no pay and no charge. Yet hacendístico system reorganizes, lays down rules with stiff penalties for fraudsters Treasury begins to reduce the size of the Army and even sponsors a plan to pay the external debt through selective cultivation of snuff, José Antonio Páez then destroys confiscated the first shipment for sale at ridiculously low prices to the House Huizi.-Bolívar told José Rafael Revenga, Minister of Finance: go and see what happens in Venezuela province, where there is a disorder Prosecutor "Yes, unfortunately, within the idiosyncrasies of the Venezuelan appears that the fiscal mess is chronic. Revell made a very accurate report Bolívar adopted a set of measures and reforms, but many were frustrated.

- Why do you think Simon Bolivar is in Colombia, not Venezuela?

-Colombia has a strategic position, closer to other countries. Thence South launches campaign that will culminate in Ayacucho. Meanwhile, Venezuela was guarded by Paez. In the territory of Colombia was now the Isthmus of Panama, which Bolivar and foresee that a canal should be drawn. Even appointed a commission to further technical studies. A Gran Colombia together and owner of the communication between the Caribbean and the Pacific would have an incomparable force.

"But we do not call Gran Colombia and Venezuela.

-Gran Colombia is a glorious title. With decisive. I insist that he settled back geostrategy.

- The decree of expropriation and seizure of the English created resentment?

"Of course that created resentment, but before the royalists had been seized by unscrupulous real patriots, and Boves looted as occupied territory. Bolivar was so severe that in 1813 seized the money to churches, claiming that the money actually belonged to their ancestors. Morillo in turn established truly confiscatory taxes and contributions.

-The confiscation and distribution of these goods, what were the results?

"Well, Bolivar confiscated the property of the Crown and realistic, and also the mission of Guayana, which formed the basis of a quartermaster without which independence would not have been possible. Measures were necessary and correct. But the use that gave the Patriots administrators was abhorrent. Completed missions delivering a speculator English Guiana. When the order the distribution of property titles, as they were not transferable, usurers vile price bought from their rightful owners. Bolívar writes How easy was outraged that such evidence would provide to other hands for less than 5% of its value, creating a huge burden for the Republic without favoring their first target. Colombia's Congress gave another Englishman a monopoly of navigation of the Magdalena, Colombia's main river. Bolivar was furious and canceled it.

- What is the difference or similarity that time there today?

-Independence acquired these properties by way of confiscation without compensation. Today they have simply become expropriation, with compensation. In other cases, there have been simple shopping.

- José Antonio Páez allowed the consolidation of the union?

-Páez was a hero, but betrayed his own soldiers, who were in poverty, and became the largest landowner in Venezuela buying a ridiculous price given titles to their lances and haciéndoselos pay. So, it ended oligarch. Any politician whose assets disproportionate increases in claims while socialism is a potential José Antonio Páez.

- Is the thought of Bolivar a broad economic legacy?

-A legacy foundation, still in force. Liberation of slaves and Indians. Distribution of land titles and servants of the Republic and Indians. Natural resource protection. Attribution of ownership of the subsoil and the Republic mine. Massive use of forfeiture to ensure the survival of the República.Aplicación of protectionist measures for the promotion of crops and industries. Promoting education, science and the media. Caution and criticism of the reckless increase of public debt. Upholding the principle that disputes about the actions of our authorities should be resolved under our laws and our courts, not judges or foreign arbitrators. The complaint of unequal trade agreements to enter into the legislature. Treaty with England said it was "a balance that was one of the lead weights and a gold."

-Bolívar ruled with many punitive decrees "that might be an obstacle to bringing together the different sectors?

"His rules were tough, but necessary. The Decree of War to Death is terrible, but distanced fields between patriots and royalists, and unfortunately, the War to the Death was already practiced by both sides. He also decreed the death penalty for thieves of the Treasury. May be applied honest the vast majority of the population would have supported. Bolivar rather distinguished by generous and sometimes excessive leniency. When Paez tried to secede from the Gran Colombia, dominated the situation and forgave him. When an attempt on his life Bogotá, forgave nearly all responsible. Who knows if the rigor would have saved the Great Colombia.

"He spoke of unity, but in practice was divided society.

"Yes, but it was divided because of Bolívar, but the violence of imperial rule and the local oligarchy. The Captaincy of Venezuela did not reach million. 1.3% were white Spaniards, the only ones with access to major public office. 19% were white Creoles, with brown limitados.Los political rights would be 45%, 16% African Americans, the Indians just over 18%, these groups, which together represented about 80% of the population, were discriminated and humiliated, almost no political rights or access to positions and professions, about 10% of the population was slaves, ie, of people reduced to commodities. Our Independence, and the rest of our political process is reduced to the struggle of those majorities discrimination in accessing their rights denied by the oligarchy.

-Bolivar, said a revolution is plowing the sea.

"I said a moment of bitterness, sick, broke and way into exile.

- Do you think that the Liberator Simón Bolívar social resentment caused him despite being rich in crib?

"If someone had no cause of social resentment was Simón José Antonio de la Trinidad. Rich, pampered, loved, intelligent, educated, had everything a man could want, except that others share their happiness. To that he devoted his life to risk losing it, but I think that whoever undertakes a mammoth undertaking and the ends to be unhappy.

- What is the conclusion on the issue of slavery?

"There is still prejudice against the slightest Mantuan feature of African or indigenous origin or miscegenation. These remnants are disappearing.

-Venezuelans would not stay quiet ...

"For our ancestors Caribs and Arawaks, are fundamentally equal and a little rebellious when we oppress.

-On the question of Bolivar's death what do you think?

"Your servant Juan Palacios tried everything. That rules out the idea of \u200b\u200bpoisoning. Such an event could not hide. His trusted aides accompanied him to the end.

- How did you feel when you saw the body of the Liberator?

-Bolívar has no body but a body that represents the liberated countries. We are fragile creatures that we become debris. But what remains of Bolivar is his work and that is what we have to defend.

When Will The Baby's Head Drop

Patrice Pavis: "The public must also learn to watch a show"

invited by the Theatre Centre for Research and Documentation.

Faculty of Arts.
University of Chile.
Following an invitation by the Theatre Centre for Research and Documentation (Center), the leading French theorist Patrice Pavis Chile was in issuing a series of conferences under the International Arts Symposium, which took time to share with theorists, critics, students and the general public his personal view on the theatrics at the time of the Transmediale.

an excellent reception from the public had the call made by the Theater Center for Research and Documentation and the Department of Theatre, who together with French Chilean Cultural Institute organized and carried out an International Symposium Arts whose main objective was to create an interdisciplinary dialogue that would help to think about the challenges facing criticism at the time of the Transmediale.

in the conferences delivered Patrice Pavis, special guest of the conference, he focused not only on the task of conducting a review of the different paths that have been developed to address the critical stage and the theoretical proposals themselves respect, but also took time to think and share with the public impressions of what it would be the hypothetical figure of a perfect drama school, the chances of developing the theory stage and how the figure of director has been changing with time into one more of the voices that are vehicles meaning to tackling the performativity of the theater.

To Pavis, since the current context in which they develop the performing arts is characterized by an interdisciplinary mix, one of the most sensible options to address precisely the analysis involves the development of a theory of intermediality. For the French theoretical framework for thinking about practice theatrical performativity, to the extent that is no longer possible to aspire to preserve the theater on the edge of a pure art nor univocal senses but on the contrary, the participatory mode that characterizes it and in which the figure of the audience plays a fundamental role, it remains to conceive of the practice stage as an open work.

At the same time, the theoretical shift from the spectacle to the viewer has resulted in the classic semiotic approach is no longer sufficient to address the criticism, but gradually the phenomenological approaches to the theatrical event has gained increasing importance. In this interview, Pavis reflects on the need for the incorporation of the theory to the study of drama, impressionism still predominant in the medial and the critical need for training global audiences and critics.

Text y traducción del francés: Maira Mora/ Periodista Facultad de Artes

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Model Of Compering A Function

December gives believers a baby Jesus and God brings his gift to each child. We

what we need and get what we think is missing. A gift is a message.

neighbors are coming together to send gifts of truth and citizens met to send truths that are gifts.

In Conatel Christmas basket we donate to a TV to be aware of what the media, and a spring for the Act apply to subscription television, which acts like Herod.

Spines of the Passion of Citizenship and nails of the Cross of bureaucracy, gave a Law on Administrative Procedure Simplification and other matavotos Sencamer whose sole function is to invent unnecessary requirements that must be renewed in vain.

For transnationals and foreign, do not forget the traditional Christmas bonus of U.S. $ 17.875 million each year in taxes forgive them because of the treaties against double taxation, and they coasted to give them our taxes for public services, legal certainty, resources healthy and educated workers, without having to contribute a penny. We hope to continue using this gift to destroy funding military bases, media campaigns and NGOs to overthrow the legitimate government.

The economic cabinet, a bagpipe Debt celebrating that goes for 70,000 million dollars. Moral

we donate to Power Fools Day a Criminal Code, Article 532 punishes with imprisonment of one to six months "Everyone in a public place or open to the public, have a game of chance, wager or gambling , to discover if Bingos and Casinos are our primary needs.

A CANTV send a pendulum clock that times how many minutes it takes to open a single mail, and how many hours are lost in deleting it.

A Office of the Ombudsman with frankincense and myrrh gifts an Internet connection, to verify how many days it takes to open web pages with forms that never open to meet mandatory requirements, how many seconds it takes to disconnect every time the citizens certainly unintelligible to a box and how many centuries must wait for participatory democracy 27 million Venezuelans who do not use the network. The Attorney

offerings in leaves hallaca Minci publications which records the violations of the Constitution and laws committed by the private media and never sued or punished.

A security agencies do the mercy of Article 143 of the Constitution to open the archives of the repression which are hidden the evidence of the crimes of genocide and human rights violators during the Fourth Republic.

A sentencing judges that disputes concerning the public interest in Venezuela must be resolved by foreign arbitrators, a blank sheet to give up and cede his post outside these arbitrageurs who placed above them.

Nothing grieves more than a tribute to the donor not to use your gift. Very happy we had the ordinary by giving the authorities the sovereign power. If you use it, be content so much that we would return to commend.

could gift it to ourselves to be that we would be. Perhaps
gave us some other country that we have.
But these things have to be done, because no one gives.

PS: We were Algeria Velásquez, widow of the great fighter Américo Silva. Both are forever with us.
DDA A Friends communicators El Universal, El Nacional, El Mundo and Telesur, I appreciate the recent interviews on the occasion of the Award for Literature Cultural Alba, and before it.
CDDCs: As much of my literary work takes years or even decades without republish, starting from today the weekly publication of parts of it in this blog and in

Visa Message Air India Express


Atala left the house with the first spoke of love.
And she conceived with him two boys. Atala

served from girl to woman who was blessed.
lit their candles and accompanied their rosaries. Atala

could not read but the lady who taught the books.
A sheet showing the pleasures road that leads to hell.

The glow of candles lit the Christ of china.
And shone like threads of blood paths of glory.

Along with holy water burned the Anima Sola
Dressed all in flames in a sea of \u200b\u200bfire.

A little picture was all it took Atala for the ranch.
the hand of Jesus in his heart burned without burning.

When he left, Atala had to be used for hours.
Only Jesus listened to mourn children at the ranch.

In heaven there was no longer cloudy and no work houses. Sometimes there was
cartons collected for the truck I bought waste.

God's eyes all things covered. Atala
Only his eyes averted.

prayed whole night and morning found wooden boxes. Cents bought
With lit candles before the image.

For my fault, through my most grievous fault will not get to you, Lord.
With your hand protects these children still have not sinned.

Grace's door is always open.
That day he was ironing work and came back very late. First

saw people running, then the smoke and the fire too late.
in the hand of God's fire burned the ranch.

( The fugitives , 1964, Editorial Thought Vivo, Caracas)

(Image / Text: LBG)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Happens To The Fibroid After Degeneration

Toporkov Extract

Audiences sometimes like the wrong thing.

You need to know down to the last detail what is the specific purpose of everything you do.

Can an actor be individually so self-demanding? Can he work that relentlessly on perfecting his technique? No, since he cannot see or hear himself or recognise his faults. The bad habits that have built up over the years stick fast. He needs great patience, courage and the help of an outside person who understands the laws of the creative process.

Attention, concentration, clear inner images and a feeling of truth, nothing more.

Nothing is achieved without effort, only that which is achieved through effort is of value.

You should not act anything "in general".

Vasili Toporkov, Stanislavski in Rehearsal . London: Methuen Drama.