Al revolutionary not be even the slightest doubt on the assumption, for he denied - that Chávez be defeated within 2 years, become extinct large projects
Britto García Molina acknowledges that "banditry would be lower if there were strict enforcement of laws (Photo: W. Yustis)
Caracas .- Clearly, Santa Marta is a development traditional middle class so small that the writer Luis Britto García has had many estates are: exactly 140. These stands its own, more the appearance of neglect than anything else. The unpainted walls housed the stains of years in the garden is open the jaws of a dry pool that resembles the inside of a silo eaten by fungi, and the interior of the house the sour smell of moisture in the nose itches . For the corners, in the room on both floors of the house, books, books, books. Referring to his love of fishing, nostalgic confesses: "I'm a sailor desk."
A hammock diagonally across the very broad areas of the room. Sinks into it and the vision of the patriarch reminded garciamarquiano reflecting on the solitude of his palace of illusions.
-Main Venezuela newspapers have opened their front pages in recent days a year, with widespread alarm holders, a kind of paroxysm-editorial on the impending end of democracy. Do you see that?
"The exercise of legislative power by the representatives elected in 2005 can not be the end of democracy, but the exercise thereof.
-democracy opposition does not consider what qualifies as "disrespect" to the powers of the elected National Assembly on 26 September. Argues that the Enabling Act passed shrugged off powers.
"For over half a century to all presidents have been granted special powers and has never said that this is an infringement of democracy and ignore the Constitution.
"But the opposition says and common sense behind it, that such extraordinary powers to the President only to be until January 4, 2011 at 12:00 pm, because until that date is in effect the current National Assembly. Mal can grant powers exceeding the term of their duties.
"That's like every time you hold a National Assembly ceases to hold debates, all laws passed must be rescinded. We must remember that we are governed by laws that are 30 and 40. The Congress which sanctions have been dissolved, and the laws are still valid. That would be tantamount to saying that the 1999 Constitution ceased to have effect because the constituent and dissolved. No joke, boy.
-A this revolution will come new enemies every day. Is it because it misses too much or because they touch powerful interests?
"I'd say each day will leave many friends and just because they touch many interests. For example, when Jorge Rodriguez closed the casino of La Candelaria, was hailed by all Venezuelans honest. When the casino reopened was a mistake in who had been reopened and the repudiation of all Venezuelans honored.
- Where are the thieves over this period? "Associated with the government or the opposition?
"We just see a banditry of large-scale private sector, associated with financial institutions and real estate, but unfortunately it is noted that many of the worst banditry not commit if there is a strict enforcement of laws by authorities.
- The recently deceased historian Manuel Caballero stated that corruption serves to President Chávez to create, thanks to her, a cushion of money that finances the PSUV.
"I doubt it because corrupt money is not given.
"Yes Delivery: Payment of fees for government contracts. So it has been since it was first oil in Venezuela.
"Could be, but the offender receives those commissions are not going to be so honored as to give to a political organization. Remember the saying "vulture watching tummy." These corrupt surely keep the commission and not give anybody anything.
- Why do you think that Chávez, whom many described as verbal incontinent, mentioned so little in his speech the fight against corruption and insecurity?
"I think they mention it. No president who does not continually mention these struggles. What you need to address is real achievements.
- Are there many?
"Well ... ah ... to be believed to poor judgments against corruption, one might think that the corrupt or afraid and reformed, or that the judiciary is leaving many crimes go unpunished.
- Is this the government you dreamed?
"Well ... let's say that was not dreamed in my nightmares but a government that does not privatize the oil industry, education, social security and to beat illiteracy and bring medical care to the majority, is pretty close to what we all dream.
-Washington and the Venezuelan opposition put the outcry that President Chavez would be going from autocracy to dictatorship undisguised. Is it wrong again?
"You should be hoarse after 10 years of shouting things that never happened. I have not seen any autocrat to allow complete freedom of expression, which has no political prisoners and demand which explicitly means killing opponents without any consequences for them.
- So you do not see any rounding to media and no process of self-censorship of them to threats from the government.
"Look, turn on the television, read any newspaper to see how both opponents and people related to the Bolivarian process, criticizing what the government without that bring consequences. The President will appoint the parent usually in the media and that does not carry any penalty.
"The opposition claims that because the tables are not saved President insults against them. What is just is not cheating.
"But the opposition has a media apparatus that meets 90% of the communicative power of the country. Addition derogatory epithets launched against most of the Venezuelan people, as "monkeys", "scum", "hordes", "bi-Presidents" and other adjectives of ethnic and social discrimination, forbidden not only by the Constitution but for decency. The social psychologist Maritza Montero collected over 300 derogatory epithets directed usually by opposition to the Bolivarian, and something like one hundred and fifty epithets directed by Chavez opponents. The situation, then, is not so tables in practice.
"You're a revolutionary. The opposition sneers that fear losing power in 2012.
"I personally I have no power. I have no membership fee or so that I personally would not lose anything, but I believe that the Venezuelan people lose essential things an opposition victory, which would privatize the oil industry, education, social security, clausuraría major health and social programs of the current government.
- Why the government lost the middle class? Is it a fate that revolutions get their rejection? Do I have to recover it at any price?
"I'm not so sure that the government has lost the middle class. On the contrary, by improving living conditions a huge number of Venezuelans who previously were in poverty, is creating a new middle class. Few governments have done so much for it as the Bolivarian: removed the credits indexed to housing would deprive hundreds of thousands of families, enabled the possibility of cars at affordable prices, college tuition increased sixfold. Who has done more?
"The opposition is proud to have on your side most brilliant intellectuals of Venezuela. Is he right?
"To my knowledge, do not belong to the opposition and Nicolas Curiel, nor Roman Chalbaud, or Laura West Indian, or Regulus Perez and Carlos Noguera, and Stefania Mosca, and Ramon Palomares, and Rodolfo Santana, and Fruto Vivas, or Mario Sanoja or Iraida Vargas, and Vladimir Acosta, and Manuel Quintana Castillo, and Luis Alberto Crespo and many other stars of first magnitude. It's a battery that is scary.
"The opposition says the culture of the Bolivarian revolution is exclusive. No dialogue or publish those with adverse political opinion. And states with evidence that this did not occur in the fourth republic, where the left was not discriminated against.
-intellectuals were so little excluded in the fourth republic, which the painter Peter Rojas cut off his hands, the writer Labana Efrain Cordero buried alive and many others were imprisoned or exiled. Hopefully the opposition will never implement a system as open as that ..
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