Friday, December 10, 2010

When Will The Baby's Head Drop

Patrice Pavis: "The public must also learn to watch a show"

invited by the Theatre Centre for Research and Documentation.

Faculty of Arts.
University of Chile.
Following an invitation by the Theatre Centre for Research and Documentation (Center), the leading French theorist Patrice Pavis Chile was in issuing a series of conferences under the International Arts Symposium, which took time to share with theorists, critics, students and the general public his personal view on the theatrics at the time of the Transmediale.

an excellent reception from the public had the call made by the Theater Center for Research and Documentation and the Department of Theatre, who together with French Chilean Cultural Institute organized and carried out an International Symposium Arts whose main objective was to create an interdisciplinary dialogue that would help to think about the challenges facing criticism at the time of the Transmediale.

in the conferences delivered Patrice Pavis, special guest of the conference, he focused not only on the task of conducting a review of the different paths that have been developed to address the critical stage and the theoretical proposals themselves respect, but also took time to think and share with the public impressions of what it would be the hypothetical figure of a perfect drama school, the chances of developing the theory stage and how the figure of director has been changing with time into one more of the voices that are vehicles meaning to tackling the performativity of the theater.

To Pavis, since the current context in which they develop the performing arts is characterized by an interdisciplinary mix, one of the most sensible options to address precisely the analysis involves the development of a theory of intermediality. For the French theoretical framework for thinking about practice theatrical performativity, to the extent that is no longer possible to aspire to preserve the theater on the edge of a pure art nor univocal senses but on the contrary, the participatory mode that characterizes it and in which the figure of the audience plays a fundamental role, it remains to conceive of the practice stage as an open work.

At the same time, the theoretical shift from the spectacle to the viewer has resulted in the classic semiotic approach is no longer sufficient to address the criticism, but gradually the phenomenological approaches to the theatrical event has gained increasing importance. In this interview, Pavis reflects on the need for the incorporation of the theory to the study of drama, impressionism still predominant in the medial and the critical need for training global audiences and critics.

Text y traducción del francés: Maira Mora/ Periodista Facultad de Artes


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