"Reversing half a millennium of discrimination would be a miracle"
Mildred Pineda interview published in the newspaper THE VOICE
12.12.2010, p.7.
A Through his work, the historian and writer identifies poverty as an evil legacy from the Conquest, by social inequalities, but bet on the current efforts to reduce and eradicate government
1) What does this prize for you in his literary career and for the letters in Venezuela?
"For me, the pleasure of being in a group which include, among by Mario Benedetti, architect Niemeyer, theologian Frei Beto, Jorge Sanjinés filmmaker, singer-songwriter Silvio Rodriguez. It is a challenge to beat. On the significance to the lyrics of Venezuela, wait for others opinion.
2) The award was conferred by all of his work. We know that every book is a child, a creation, but if I had to recommend "The three essential" Britto García. What do you say?
- Rajatabla, Abrapalabra, The Imaginary orgy. And like the three musketeers are always four, add Pirate compendium of all marine life and underwater exploration.
3) What issues reflects their literature today?
"I'm working for decades in a vision of the integration of culture in Venezuela. Also, on the Identity of Venezuela. I have another book ready for the final stage of filibustering, Pirates libertarians. I go on a novel about artificial intelligence, and an ultra-short-story project. Conclude the second volume of my study Thought for the Liberation . A year ago I gave to Roman Chalbaud a script about Cipriano Castro and the blockade of England, Germany and Italy against Venezuela, project is still awaiting the necessary resources.
4) Is there any genre you feel most comfortable writing: Narrative, Essay Writing for Film, Drama?
"I've always detested the gender division, because they put the building into compartments in the same way in which society divides human beings into classes. The creative act was complete native societies, a social ceremony that included dance, dress, decor, poetry, music and architecture. I try to recapture some of that whole dealing with an issue from the perspective of various genres. At the same time, break the rules of each and every one of the practical. My novel Pirate, for example, is the fictional version of two works of historical research, the Sea Devils and Gentlemen of the Caribbean: Indians, conquistadors and colonial pirates at sea. I write a treatise on the Utopias, but I enjoyed them much more narrative treatment and utopias utopian The imaginary orgy. The most desperate in alienated labor is being forced to do the same thing, try to stay at least constantly varying alienated possible genre, from fiction to screenplay, from the theater to discourse analysis and even opinion journalism and cartoons and comics and opera. I greatly enjoy writing fiction, I write poetry but I
published online. Except El Tirano Aguirre or the conquest of the Golden and salsa Opera: Give it dough, which are written in verse.
5) Is reading more in Venezuela?
"I think so. The victory over illiteracy must become grave of literary illiteracy. However, the reading public is still limited, and no easy task build a distribution network to facilitate availability of the books. But we must recognize that many are edited, and affordable prices. Are also enabling computer networks. Many of my books are online, and since last week I'm publishing a selection of literary works
my http://luisbrittogarcia.blogspot.com and
http://luisbritto.Wordpress.com. The friend Romain Vallée these texts translated into French in http://luisbrittogarcia-fr.blogspot.com. We'll see if some publisher undertook the republication of my print works, which are most of my 65 titles.
6) In literature and journalism, some place it as a committed intellectual. What is committed today?
"Every intellectual is committed, it happens that some have
ashamed to confess what they support. We have seen those who yesterday said people in the ivory tower parade for employers to impose a fascist dictatorship. I'm not committed either with men or with parties, but an ideology. Support with all my strength to those who move toward socialism and humanism. I disagree with those who preach racial discrimination, economic and social development. I've always said that ideology is independent of talent, but talent is not a lie becomes truth.
7) It is said that literature is a pleasure, but also a hard job because it requires discipline. "This is a basic quality to this art?
-writers say they suffer much writing, but do not explain why they still do. Creating is the greatest pleasure either work or create other human beings. That is not done without effort, without effort, without perseverance. Picasso said he did not know if the inspiration was, but when it arrived I had to find work. In my case, it was a doubleheader. The lawyer and professor Luis Britto has had to work hard to keep the writer Luis Britto, and that continues.
8) With the new communication apparatus of state and private sector. Is the cultural information news?
-culture and cultural information are paramount, but I see that occupy a modest place within the communication devices. Gone were most of the papers cultural and literary supplements of the private sector, which dominates but about ninety of the media of all kinds. The State has several cultural publications circulating newspaper inserts bodies still a minority movement, a television program and now an emerging literature review. Its fundamental weakness is that it has failed to articulate mass distribution networks. The distribution of the press depends on
a complex articulation of private interests who do not wish for anything the state competition. The same happens with the private libraries. The road to a readership and sharing of culture is hard. I think the mass literacy has opened a highway to cross it.
9) You are a connoisseur of the country's reality. How is Venezuela at the end of 2010? (In the political and economic)
"For over a decade of democracy has been maintained, with unprecedented levels of freedom in Venezuela. Low extreme poverty from 42.5% in 1995 to 9.4% in 2007 and 50.4% relative to 33.7%, life expectancy stands at 73.18 years, we are the country with the lowest rate of inequality Latin American capitalism, and the Human Development Index of United Nations in 1998 we stood at 0.691, for 2007 we raised the High Range of the Human Development
0.878. Missions have been literate, cured and fed huge contingent of Venezuelans. The crisis of capitalism hits our mixed system, but with much lesser intensity than other countries.
10) In recent days, many people have lost their homes by flooding. This shows that poverty is still pending. Is this scourge will arrangement within the Socialism?
The loss of homes by the flooding is not in itself a proof of poverty: in the landslide Vargas disappeared many mansions. Too many middle-income people have lost hope of living another catastrophe caused by very different criminal rapacity of the financiers who gave their savings. But the poverty that we inherited from
order since the Conquest is based on inequality still persists in part. In ten years to reverse the result of half a millennium of discrimination would be a miracle. But according to the figures you quoted, poverty reduction has been dramatic, and hopefully disappear.
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