Yolanda Ojeda interview Reyesyojeda@cadena-capriles.com , published in THE WORLD on December 7, 2010. pp. 20-21.
Luis Britto García A gigantic is the soul when he speaks of the Liberator Simón Bolívar. Every corner of your living room has a piece of the life of a man, which he said was an advance.
- What rescues the book you thought of Simon Bolivar in the economic area?
-many things. Bolivar, for example, stressed that Spain had reduced us for a long time the role of certain fruit producers and consumers of what we sold the metropolis. That is, know the roots of our economic dependency. He had a keen vision of economic resources. Thus, protectionist decrees issued riverbeds, ordered reforestation and excessive logging ban, enacted measures to increase the number of certain animals prohibited export of others with the same object. Rid of taxes on imports of instruments for the arts and sciences. Made the largest seizure of property that had been made in Latin America with the property of the Crown and the realists, and tried to redistribute land among the soldiers of the Independence, which would have made a major land reform, and attributed the ownership of the subsoil and the Republic mine.
- He was obsessed with the issue of treasury?
"While advancing the independence had to buy weapons and supplies on credit. Bolivar first secured by their own property, then the assets of the Republic. Since it was a very risky investment, borrowers demanded high interest rates and almost abusive conditions. Officials who manage this debt, as the Minister Francisco Zea, and Francisco de Paula Santander itself, apparently profited from it, squandered on wasteful spending and I left the Gran Colombia a cargo of 30 million pounds. In his correspondence, which I quote in the book, says that the debt Bolivar is a chaos of horrors, and their managers write "Cursed Zea! Zea is the instrument of evil." The difference between Santander Liberator Liberator is born when their claims indirectly conduct on the debt. In 1826, Bolívar returned to Venezuela to play in the deck entertainment, fortune favors the Liberator, and collect your winnings, he says, looking at Santander: "At last I got my part of the loan." Santander understood the irony, not ever forgive. Upon leaving office in 1830, Bolivar said that "the debt is the blight of Colombia", ie cancer.
Simón Bolívar "I warned about the tax issue when there was snuff.
"The Captaincy General of Venezuela already had a cumulative fiscal mess, which includes, inter alia, the Report of the file Olavarriaga. With the Patria Boba, according to Bolivar himself criticizes, government revenue is dissipated in myriad, useless or futile, and, also critical, issuing a paper currency without backing it, said the Liberator, the citizens were "more horror than their own tyranny. " During his last stay in Venezuela, the Liberator is desperately trying to arrange the finance. When he arrives, the finance minister resigns. Bolivar says it is impossible to manage a system where no pay and no charge. Yet hacendístico system reorganizes, lays down rules with stiff penalties for fraudsters Treasury begins to reduce the size of the Army and even sponsors a plan to pay the external debt through selective cultivation of snuff, José Antonio Páez then destroys confiscated the first shipment for sale at ridiculously low prices to the House Huizi.-Bolívar told José Rafael Revenga, Minister of Finance: go and see what happens in Venezuela province, where there is a disorder Prosecutor "Yes, unfortunately, within the idiosyncrasies of the Venezuelan appears that the fiscal mess is chronic. Revell made a very accurate report Bolívar adopted a set of measures and reforms, but many were frustrated.
- Why do you think Simon Bolivar is in Colombia, not Venezuela?
-Colombia has a strategic position, closer to other countries. Thence South launches campaign that will culminate in Ayacucho. Meanwhile, Venezuela was guarded by Paez. In the territory of Colombia was now the Isthmus of Panama, which Bolivar and foresee that a canal should be drawn. Even appointed a commission to further technical studies. A Gran Colombia together and owner of the communication between the Caribbean and the Pacific would have an incomparable force.
"But we do not call Gran Colombia and Venezuela.
-Gran Colombia is a glorious title. With decisive. I insist that he settled back geostrategy.
- The decree of expropriation and seizure of the English created resentment?
"Of course that created resentment, but before the royalists had been seized by unscrupulous real patriots, and Boves looted as occupied territory. Bolivar was so severe that in 1813 seized the money to churches, claiming that the money actually belonged to their ancestors. Morillo in turn established truly confiscatory taxes and contributions.
-The confiscation and distribution of these goods, what were the results?
"Well, Bolivar confiscated the property of the Crown and realistic, and also the mission of Guayana, which formed the basis of a quartermaster without which independence would not have been possible. Measures were necessary and correct. But the use that gave the Patriots administrators was abhorrent. Completed missions delivering a speculator English Guiana. When the order the distribution of property titles, as they were not transferable, usurers vile price bought from their rightful owners. Bolívar writes How easy was outraged that such evidence would provide to other hands for less than 5% of its value, creating a huge burden for the Republic without favoring their first target. Colombia's Congress gave another Englishman a monopoly of navigation of the Magdalena, Colombia's main river. Bolivar was furious and canceled it.
- What is the difference or similarity that time there today?
-Independence acquired these properties by way of confiscation without compensation. Today they have simply become expropriation, with compensation. In other cases, there have been simple shopping.
- José Antonio Páez allowed the consolidation of the union?
-Páez was a hero, but betrayed his own soldiers, who were in poverty, and became the largest landowner in Venezuela buying a ridiculous price given titles to their lances and haciéndoselos pay. So, it ended oligarch. Any politician whose assets disproportionate increases in claims while socialism is a potential José Antonio Páez.
- Is the thought of Bolivar a broad economic legacy?
-A legacy foundation, still in force. Liberation of slaves and Indians. Distribution of land titles and servants of the Republic and Indians. Natural resource protection. Attribution of ownership of the subsoil and the Republic mine. Massive use of forfeiture to ensure the survival of the República.Aplicación of protectionist measures for the promotion of crops and industries. Promoting education, science and the media. Caution and criticism of the reckless increase of public debt. Upholding the principle that disputes about the actions of our authorities should be resolved under our laws and our courts, not judges or foreign arbitrators. The complaint of unequal trade agreements to enter into the legislature. Treaty with England said it was "a balance that was one of the lead weights and a gold."
-Bolívar ruled with many punitive decrees "that might be an obstacle to bringing together the different sectors?
"His rules were tough, but necessary. The Decree of War to Death is terrible, but distanced fields between patriots and royalists, and unfortunately, the War to the Death was already practiced by both sides. He also decreed the death penalty for thieves of the Treasury. May be applied honest the vast majority of the population would have supported. Bolivar rather distinguished by generous and sometimes excessive leniency. When Paez tried to secede from the Gran Colombia, dominated the situation and forgave him. When an attempt on his life Bogotá, forgave nearly all responsible. Who knows if the rigor would have saved the Great Colombia.
"He spoke of unity, but in practice was divided society.
"Yes, but it was divided because of Bolívar, but the violence of imperial rule and the local oligarchy. The Captaincy of Venezuela did not reach million. 1.3% were white Spaniards, the only ones with access to major public office. 19% were white Creoles, with brown limitados.Los political rights would be 45%, 16% African Americans, the Indians just over 18%, these groups, which together represented about 80% of the population, were discriminated and humiliated, almost no political rights or access to positions and professions, about 10% of the population was slaves, ie, of people reduced to commodities. Our Independence, and the rest of our political process is reduced to the struggle of those majorities discrimination in accessing their rights denied by the oligarchy.
-Bolivar, said a revolution is plowing the sea.
"I said a moment of bitterness, sick, broke and way into exile.
- Do you think that the Liberator Simón Bolívar social resentment caused him despite being rich in crib?
"If someone had no cause of social resentment was Simón José Antonio de la Trinidad. Rich, pampered, loved, intelligent, educated, had everything a man could want, except that others share their happiness. To that he devoted his life to risk losing it, but I think that whoever undertakes a mammoth undertaking and the ends to be unhappy.
- What is the conclusion on the issue of slavery?
"There is still prejudice against the slightest Mantuan feature of African or indigenous origin or miscegenation. These remnants are disappearing.
-Venezuelans would not stay quiet ...
"For our ancestors Caribs and Arawaks, are fundamentally equal and a little rebellious when we oppress.
-On the question of Bolivar's death what do you think?
"Your servant Juan Palacios tried everything. That rules out the idea of \u200b\u200bpoisoning. Such an event could not hide. His trusted aides accompanied him to the end.
- How did you feel when you saw the body of the Liberator?
-Bolívar has no body but a body that represents the liberated countries. We are fragile creatures that we become debris. But what remains of Bolivar is his work and that is what we have to defend.
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