Unipolar, neoliberal, imperialist, announce think tanks will be the "New American Century." United States sets the total looting of the world's hydrocarbon reserves and the confiscation of Latin America as a free trade zone through the FTAA, and intensified its military presence in Latin America through Plan Colombia. Since last year, Hugo Chávez Frías strengthens and urged OPEC members to respect production quotas, and perform and win the referendum on the re-legitimization of power. With the excuse of suspected attack on the Twin Towers, the U.S. invades Afghanistan. Begins a sharp rise in oil prices. Start the fall of capitalism to financial fraud as hell. Collapsing political system with fraudulent northern elections devoted to George Bush. Collapses neoliberalism in Argentina. Chávez 49 sanctioned reform laws; Fedecámaras calls replaced by a "transition government."
Strike-outs, and U.S. media on 12 April in Venezuela. The people frustrated by massive unprecedented concentration. Prime fiasco in the plan to plunder the world's oil: Bankruptcy media myth of omnipotence. The lack of sanctions opens the way for the union bosses set the closure of companies and the oil sabotage of December.
collapses in March employers plan to give the Venezuelan oil industry to the United States as a consolation prize he immediately invade Iraq. The leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil wins the presidency. Missions tear, unprecedented social programs that expire on illiteracy, expand education, health care lead to poor and break the monopoly of the distribution of food.
Left triumphs with Vazquez in Uruguay. While Latin American integration collapses supervised from Washington, consolidating the South American Community of Nations, with participation of all South American countries, created the ALBA, Brazil emerged as a world power ally Russia, India and China in the BRIC. Canada and the United States forged a military coup that exiled the elected President of Haiti, Jean Bertrand Aristide.
FTAA collapsed and with it the American project of exclusive commercial hegemony in Latin America. Venezuela joins Mercosur. Evo Morales was elected president of Bolivia announces the nationalization of the hydrocarbon industry.
The moderate socialist Michelle Bachelet wins the election in Chile. Leftist Rafael Correa won the elections in Ecuador, after the overthrow of social movements to a succession of presidents unsatisfactory. The Sandinista revolutionary Daniel Ortega won the elections in Nicaragua.
RCTV's license expires, television station that operated as material and intellectual architect of the media coup. At the OPEC summit, Chavez urged the organization to become a political agent and discard the dollar as reference currency for oil.
Capitalism concludes its triumphant march to disaster. One after another major financial houses falling in developed countries. Governments financiers who help the fraudsters with gold jackets that will be borne by the cheated with inflation, rising taxes and debt. Begins a trail of social protests and riots that still continues. U.S. runs from the Manta base attack by Colombian armed forces against Ecuador. Wins the presidency in Paraguay, Fernando Lugo left, who just 61 years of hegemony of right-wing Colorado. The leftist Evo Morales defeat a secessionist attempt of the oligarchy in the rich eastern provinces, and is confirmed in a referendum with a majority of 67%.
The president of General Motors said that what was good for General Motors was good for America. General Motors, Chrysler and the United States break at the same time. Correa closing the U.S. base at Manta. Chavez wins the referendum with 55% allowing indefinite re-election. Americans support the coup that deposed the elected president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya.
U.S. military occupies Haiti and Costa Rica, and announced the installation of two new bases in Panama. To force his stay in power, Uribe offers the United States allow the installation of seven new military bases Colombia. The Supreme Court denied the indefinite reelection of the politician and the installation object bases. Santos's new president overturns the policy of intimidation against Venezuela. The win by wide margin bolivarianismo parliamentary elections. Ecuador withdraws from ICSID. Rafael Correa defeat a coup of American inspiration. The decade can be summarized in a prolonged loss of U.S. hegemony. His political actors are defeated electorally or through revolutionary upheaval around the world, lack of economic, political or diplomatic to prevail, is increasingly turning to the coup of force or overt military intervention. Multipolar, socialist, revolutionary presents the newborn century. Let it continue.
PD: thank colleagues El Nacional, El Universal, El Mundo, La Voz, All In and Caracas CCS interviews during my Alba Cultural Award, or before it.
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée: http://luisbrittogarcia-fr.blogspot.com
Luis Britto books on the Internet:
Rajatabla: www.monteavila.gob.ve
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela:
www.minci.gob.ve peace with Colombia: www.minci.gob.ve
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