fifteen warships 108 years ago in England, Germany and Italy shelled our coast, demolishing our strengths, landed troops, burned government offices and historical documents and stole up to the bells churches. Charged with cannon alleged debts whose validity and amount, as provided for under our constitution since the nineteenth century, could only be recognized and appreciated by Venezuelan courts and according to our laws. The irreducible Cipriano Castro resisted, and one hundred thousand volunteers offered to defend the immunity of jurisdiction of Venezuela. U.S. mediation reduced the disproportionate representation of 186,400,000 VEB to sixth.
the unfortunate incident of Venezuelans did not learn anything, the multinationals, everything. In violation of our constitution, foreign companies routinely seek to introduce in the public interest contracts clauses that submit disputes arising on these laws, foreign judges and referees. They invariably sentenced for empires: of 232 cases before the International Centre Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), 230 were decided in favor of transnational corporations. When the judge appoints the money, write the sentence.
Thus, in this decade, international arbitrators Venezuela condemned to pay heavy compensation to the transnational Maxipista for failing to reward the administration of the Caracas-La Guaira highway. Venezuela transnational negotiators require compensation to INTESA, whose heart computer sabotage of PDVSA cost us losses of 15,000 million dollars. Compensation claims against foreign arbitrators the Gold Reserve, predator of our gold resources. They also seek three applications in foreign jurisdictions, and Conoco Cemex multinationals. Exxon tried to seize Venezuela's international reserves to cover the results of a bold claim in foreign courts. Trying to strengthen its precautionary measures to pay 12,000 million dollars. Slogan to our staff of international treaties that prohibit the practice. A point we were being blocked, not by battleships, but by foreign arbitrators and judges stateless those unconstitutionally give the irrevocable authority to decide disputes on our contracts in the public interest.
4 December 20 2010 The New York Post reports that the 23 judges of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals refused to discuss Venezuela's right to the Supreme Court of Appeal in U.S. demand for a group of investors from Ohio who claim U.S. $ 8,000 million Bandagro bonds. His lawyer David Richards prepares the embargo Citgo gas stations, three refineries on the Gulf coast and a fleet of PDVSA tankers anchored in Houston. Surely uncorked bottles of champagne Venezuelan judges holding that disputes over our contracts of public interest should be resolved by foreign judges and referees: with its verdicts complacent, Venezuela is once again blocked without foreign troops or warships.
People have the government they deserve, and these attacks they provide. I have repeatedly warned that Venezuela is prepared against a judicial coup. A barrage of frivolous claims against us will be decided by a pack of foreign courts and arbitrators. To ensure payment of U.S. $ 12,000 million sought by the Exxon in its application is still ongoing, and 8,000 million demanded by bondholders Bandagro, and additional billions claiming Cemex and Conoco and Gold Reserve and how much trans-national in the conspiracy, foreign judges ordered the seizure tankers and bulk shipments of oil and Venezuelan purchases abroad. A total sum demanded be added to the interest and legal costs and professional fees. Do not forget, moreover, that to better ensure the embargo payment run on assets worth twice as claimed. Only the demands of investors Exxon and Ohio foreclosures involve accumulated by 40,000 million: the amount of our reserves. Suffice it to infer catastrophic and perhaps irreparable blow to the Venezuelan economy.
In the second phase of the judicial coup, misinterpreting the article 19 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic, which seems to prevail against her human rights treaties, a foreign court depose the President of Venezuela for any alleged violation of those. For this purpose long before the rain demands Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and Inter-American Court of the Organization of American States. At the appropriate time, it pours before the Hague Tribunal and to any other cabal that sits eager to overthrow progressive governments.
grave blow advised not government. To avoid this, in the enabling laws declare void any contract submitted by the interest Venezuela's public laws, arbitrators or foreign judges. Legislate so that neither the twisted interpretation to invent exceptions to Article 151 of the Constitution, nor the immunity from jurisdiction enshrined in Article 5. Follow the example of Ecuador let us withdraw from the ICSID and denounce any treaty unconstitutional attempt to submit to foreign courts. Choose judges who defend our immunity from jurisdiction. The coup alert, the judicial coup has warned too many times.
French version, thanks to smart friend help Romain Vallée: Books
http://luisbrittogarcia-fr.blogspot.com Luis Britto on the Internet:
Rajatabla: www.monteavila.gob.ve
Luis Britto Books online:
media dictatorship in Venezuela: www.minci.gob.ve
peace with Colombia: http://www.minci.gob.ve/
(Ilustración. George Grosz)
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